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* A young boy looking of around 17-18years of age running through corridors pushing through the crowd of student at his fastest pace and his feet were moving in the direction of principal's office.It seemed t like no one could stop him.

As soon as the boy read the room plate "Principal's office"he came to a halt and fixed his current condition due to running.He took a long breath and peeked through the door asking for a permission to enter the office

He asked"Sir,may I come in?"

The person inside the room a.k.a principal of the institution.The principal made an eye contact with the boy and nodded as a sign of indication that he may come in.

Soon the boy moved his feet and entered the office and started walking towards the principal's desk.

The principal gestured him to take a seat and he did as he was asked.Now,the principal looked up from the files he was checking sure directing his attention towards the boy and said: Taeyong you know that you have been best of the top student of my school and you have always made us proud.


What if I ask for a favour?

Taeyong said:"Yeah sure sir its my honour to have a chance to learn in this school.This school gave me my base and I spent my 10 years here in here ,right in this campus and I would like to do anything I can for the sake of it ,Sir.It will be a great opportunity for me to show my loyalty to this school."

The man said:" Yeah I knew that it would be your answer and you don't have to show how loyal you are to this school but the favour I want from is that..

He stopped for a second and pressed his lips in a thin line and it seemed like he was searching for the right words to proceed.then he continued and said:Taeyong you will have to transfer from this campus to another and for that you would also have to move to the another town or city.

Taeyong was just stunned he thought did they wanted me out of this school?.I never did any bad thing,never broke rules,studied day and night because of the reputation I had and for the sake of this campuses reputation.

Suddenly the man spoke:"I knew that this would be your reaction and I know what you are thinking but taeyong we are doing it for a good reason,for your own good and for the sake of this school.We are going to transfer you to another campus so that you can make it's reputation good and make the school's name in the "Top Schools List".it's. Because it's one of our school's main campus.Taeyong can you do it and make us feel proud like you always did?"

Taeyong now understood that what and why they were transferring him?As without his asking,all of his questions were already answered. Now,it was his turn to answer and we all know what his answer would.

Without wasting any other second, he responded:"Yes,I will sir"

The principal said: Thank you Taeyong,thank you so much.You have never disappointed me and any of our faculty and i hope you won't ever in the future.Iam again thank ful Taeyong."

Taeyong then proceeded: Sir, i will never disappoint you ,i assure you.

He continued:"emmm by the way sir when am I going to leave for the other campus and which campus am I being transferred to?"

The principal said,showing a file to Taeyong:"Taeyong,you are being transferred to our branch of SEOUL and when to start? you can start from tomorrow if you want to and for packing,you can take a leave from school today.l mean if you don't want to waste anymore of your time and study but still it's up to you."

"Okay!thank you sir.May I leave now?"taeyong asked.

"Yes ,you may"the principal answered.

Taeyong stood from his seat and started moving towards the door and went out of the office.

He then went out and took the leave from school and went straight to home and called his best friend "TEN LEE".Now, to give a little introduction to this creature of God.

Lee Taeyong as we all know.He was and still is a nerd and never had a big circle of friends so the only friend he had was "TEN LEE".They became friends when both were 8 years old when their parents started a combined business so all the time they would go for work,they would leave both to stay back at home together ,sometimes at taeyong's home and sometime at ten's home.Both went to same schools too but as ten's grandma has been staying ill from past few months,so he had to go and stay with her in Thailand and took leave from school.

So,as taeyong called ten ,taeyong told him about what happened to him and everything else and as usual uri enthusiastic ten encouraged him and told him not to be afraid and that everything will be okay.

Soon taeyong's parents came home and his mother called him:"Taeyong! Yongie~~"

Suddenly taeyong ran to her and hugged her.

She hugged him back and they walked while staying in this position.She noticed that taeyong was being clingy and she knew that taeyong only does that when he's feeling down or is stressed bout something.

His mother broke the hug and looked at him,his face down ,she put her hand under taeyong's chin and made him look up.He looked up and her mother asked:"Baby,you okay?"

Taeyong might be a tough looking boy but he is actually a kind,beautiful boy with purest heart in this whole world.It not like he never had any friend it's just ten is his only friend and then his mom who knew everything about him.He helped every person instead of being a rude and proud bitch.

He nodded in reply to her question and told her everything.

But his mother cheered him up and said:"You know taeyong when you grow up a little more you will have to leave me in order to get job and have a joyful livelihood,right?So,what if it's happening before,huh?"

"But maa,you know I can not live without you ,at least if I had ten by my side there I would have find a way through."he said.

"But baby you have promised your teachers and they have faith in you and they trust you.How can you disappoint them?would you like it if they lose faith in you,tell me? But if you want it I will talk to them about not transferring you there,what would you like to choose ,yong? She questioned.

He nodded in reply as to tell her that he understood everything.

Now,she helped him in packing his goods and everything he might be needing there.As taeyong already took leave from school and missed all his lecture.So he decided to leave early so that he could start his school from tomorrow morning.

Time=7:30 pm

Taeyong left home and took the earliest train going to Seoul.He was sad but happy that he will see new things and also that he and his mother will go for outing on every Sunday or at least she'll pay him a visit.Now,while thinking about all this he fell asleep.

Soon the train stopped and a young good man woke me up and told me that the train has reached Seoul.

He took out his mobile and checked the time and it was 8:50pm.He was already feeling sleepy ,because he skipped his afternoon nap for packing,he yawned and started moving towards his destination.(destiny deska😂 )

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