Chapter 74: Oh, baby

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"Nothing." I interrupt their little argument.

"Yeah Ashton is sick. But Aria is fine being near him." I tell the blonde. That has recently become high school Hanna again.

I guess it's because her older kids go to school, and Dylan and Phoenix are super easy. And completely okay with staying with Hanna's mom when Hanna and Caleb go out. And Hanna has more time to herself. I don't know.


That night

Emily POV:
I jolt awake and look around confused.

I look at the time. 2:30 AM.

My stomach growls and I'm suddenly craving pickles and cheese. What the fuck?

"Alison..." I whisper and lightly shake her.

"What? What's wrong? Is it the baby? Is something wrong?" She asks clearly sleepy and confused as hell.
I love waking her up. Her reactions are hilarious.

"No, it's just..." I trail off.

"You just what?"

"I want pickles and cheese." I tell her.

"Seriously? At 2:30 in the morning?" She asks and giggles a sleepy giggle.

"It's not my fault! It's the baby!" I say in defense.

"Ugh! Fine." She groans, and gets out of bed.

"Now that I think about it, I also want chips." I say.

"You are impossible." She laughs, and exits the room.

I lay down and sigh and my stomach growls again.

I dial Alison's number.

"What's up?" She asks.

"I love you." I tell her.

"I love you too....And I want kiwi." I say.

"You hate kiwi!" She shrieks into the phone.

"It's the baby!" I defend for the two of us. "We also want bananas." I say in monotone.

"You hate bananas too! ...You know what? Fine. Whatever." Alison sighs.

Aria POV:
I wake up to the baby kicking. Like crazy. Ugh!

"Baby girl...Calm down." I whisper yell.

Yes. We are having a girl.

Spencer stirs, and I quickly lay back down to make it seem like I'm still sleeping.

It's only 3 AM.

I feel the bed move, and I look over at Spencer. She's knocks out on her side.

The kicking starts again, and I seriously want to scream.

How can such a tiny baby be so powerful?

So much for her being an artist. I guess a soccer player or something like that is okay.

I lay on my side and the kicking stops. Thank god!


Emily POV:
"I am not drinking that shit." I say to Alison.

"It's good for you and baby." She states in a matter-of-factly tone.

"I'm not drinking gunk!" I exclaim in a high pitched voice and push her hand away.


"Alison." I say mockingly.

"I'm not drinking blended salad in a cup....That by the way looks like some kind of pasty mess of grass, dirt, milk, spinach, and cat shit." I complain.

"Just. Drink. It." She demands slowly and frustrated through gritted teeth.

I take the cup and walk away from her.


"I'm going to drink it! Well, eat it!" I yell at her.

I go into our bathroom and dump it in the toilet. It's looks like shit.

"Ewwww...." Eli says, pointing at it.

"I know. Mama trying to make me drink it." I tell him, and he scrunches up his face. I flush the toilet.

I laugh and pick him up, and take the glass back downstairs.

"Did you drink it?" Alison asks me as she finishes putting the dishes away.

"Yep." I reply, popping the P.

She takes Eli from me and puts him on the ground.

"Here." I say, handing her the glass.

"You didn't drink it." She sighs.

"Nope!" I answer proudly, popping the P again.

"You're a brat." She sighs.

"What am I? 2?" I ask.

"Yes." She replies, as leans in to kiss me.

I stretch my neck out making sure she misses.

"What?" She questions me.

"I'm 2. I don't kiss old ladies like that." I state.

She glares at me and rolls her eyes.

"Ooh! So scary!" I say sarcastically, putting my hands up.

"You are not fun when you're pregnant." She states and walks outside to play with the kids.

"You are not fun..." I say in one of those voices kids use when making fun of each other.

"The window is open. I can hear you." Alison shouts.

1 month later

Alison POV:
Emily is 9 months pregnant. And this past month has been hell.

She's so sarcastic and emotional and frustrating while pregnant. And bipolar.

I'm sitting down on the couch watching Gossip Girl when she walks over.

"Hello!" She says happily, doing this cute little wave.

"Hi." I reply.

She smiles, and sits down on my lap.

I grunt and shift my body to get comfortable.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too-" I begin, but stop mid sentence.

"What?" She questions me.

"Did you just pee on me?!" I screech.

"No! Why would I-AHHHH!" She screams and jumps off of me.

"The baby..." She whispers out of breath.

"I...Am having...A baby." She pants.

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