Chapter 1

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"What do you mean she's sick?" Liam said into his phone.

Louis leaned his head closer to Liam's head to hear the conversation. "We're sorry for the inconvenience Mr. Payne but-."

The man started but was cut off by Liam's voice, "No...No fucking buts about it!"

He ended the call throwing his phone against the wall, sobbing out loudly. Louis rested his head gently on his shoulder, while Liam's head laid on his. "It'll be okay Li," Louis softly spoke.

He stood up brushing off his pants, wiping his face to show no sign of crying. He grabbed the keys off if the key rack, heading for the door. "W-Where are you going?"

"To see my dad.." He said slamming the door shut, making me jump. Louis grabbed his phone, dialing up his only mate Stan. He's know him as long as he's known Liam, at least 13 years. He's the same age as Liam, 20 while Louis is still 18.

Three knocks at the door and Stan was inside. "So what's happening?" He asked sitting on the couch. Louis crossed his legs leaning back on the couch, "Liam's mum is in the Hospital...again. He stormed out going to see his dad."

"Poor Li, hope he's okay," Stan said biting his fingernails, a habit he picked up from Louis. Louis nodded, sighing a bit.

The rest of the night the pair talked about everything and anything. "We've always wanted ki-," Louis started but was cut off by the front door slamming closed.

Liam's eyes landed on Stan as he looked to Louis with rage. "Get the fuck out of my house," Liam growled picking up Stan by his collar throwing onto the sidewalk. He turned back to Louis with a sickly expression, "As for you slut, we're going to have some fun.."

Louis' eyes shot open, his breathing running wild. He sat up on the park bench over looking the playground, while sweat cascaded down his face. Another nightmare gone worse. A sharp kick was felt at his side as the little baby inside decided to show his way of calming his daddy down.

"Little bear it's okay. Daddy's alright," Louis cooed, rubbing his hand over his protruding stomach. His stomach growled which really meant bear was hungry, Louis being only able to find food at night when trash goes out.

"Bear wait awhile for something to eat, it's nearly impossible at this hour," he spoke to my stomach softly.

He kicked Louis' stomach obviously mad at his decision. Louis sighed standing up, his back cracking and his ankles becoming even more swollen than before. He wrapped his thin sheet-like jacket tighter around him, as a cold wind blew through the London air.

"Damn you Mother Nature," Louis cursed, mentally scolding himself. "Don't repeat that bear, that's a bad word, Daddy's sorry."

His feet shuffled quietly down the sidewalk, people running into him on purpose. One even decided to shove Louis out of the way, Louis grasping his stomach in full out protective mode.

"Watch where your going Asshole," Louis muttered to himself.

The sky darkened as the day went on, street lights illuminating the streets, most shops closing for the night. One store in particular stays a little late to put trash out, to Louis excitement. This was his favorite part of the day, digging through trash for his and little one's food for the evening.

He opened the lid just to be hit with a combination of rotting food and baked goods. "What's for dinner today? Bagels, carrot cake, or some muffins?" Louis asked, rubbing his stomach.

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