He opened his eyes and felt proud with what he had done. 40 minutes. He took 40 minutes to calm himself down. It was better than passing out or experiencing terrifying catatonic state. Zee touched his coffee mug and it was already cold but he was too lazy to go down to the kitchen. He decided just sipped the cold coffee. He touched his heart and it was beating quite steadily. He swallowed nervously. He knew attacks could happen again but at least he had learned to cope with it a little. Saint had been helping him a lot. For the past few weeks, he had guided him through the worst attacks. Zee was faring much better now. He was about to read another script when his office door burst open. A distraught Dome was standing there with his iPad in his hand.

"Zee... Have you seen your IG or Twitter today?" Dome asked him as he entered his office.
"No... Why?" Zee questioned him.
"Look..." Dome gave Zee his iPad.

    Zee read the thread but he could not believe that his fans could have actually done this. They were running a campaign to bring Saint Security down. They blamed Saint Security for the actions done by the stalker and that Saint Security had failed to fulfil their responsibilities as Zee's bodyguards.

"When did this happen?" Zee asked Dome.
"I don't know... And at this moment some of your fans are at Saint Security."
"Turn on your television Zee... Find the news channel." Dome asked and Zee quickly opened the drawer in front of him. After that, he found his remorse control and turned the television on.
"News channel Zee." Dome said impatiently.
"Shut up Dome! I know!" Zee growled.

    They found a news channel that was showing a live broadcast of what was happening at Saint Security. Zee could see disgruntled fans with his fan club T-shirts on. Then, he saw a row of police between his fans and the main gate at Saint Security.

"What are they thinking?" Zee asked in confusion.
"This has never ever happened Zee." Dome replied.
"I know Dome..." Zee continued to listen to the news while looking at the live footage from Saint Security headquarters.

    Zee learned that a few representatives from the Zee Pruk Panich fan club had gone inside to discuss with Saint. Dread filled his heart. They demanded that Saint Security to terminate their contract with Zee and Dome. He did not want that to happen.

"Zee... Would Saint terminate Saint Security contract with us?" Dome turned to Zee.
"I don't know... But I hope not." Zee murmured.

    The brothers were so engrossed with the news that they did not notice Pavel standing at the door.

"Mr Panich, Miss HwaHwa is here. Should I bring her here?" Pavel asked Zee.
"Sure Pavel..." Zee replied without even looking at Pavel as his attention was focused on what was enfolding on the television.

    Zee and Dome continued to watch the news when HwaHwa came into the office.

"Hey Zee."
"HwaHwa... Do you know about this?" Zee pointed at the television.
"I just knew about it just now and that's why I am here." She answered.
"Why are you here?" She turned to Pavel and Max who were standing near the door and questioned them.
"Mr Suppapong instructed us to always be with Mr Panich and Mr Woranart." Max smiled politely and explained.
"This is a personal discussion between Zee and I." HwaHwa argued.
"HwaHwa... It's not important that they are here... And I don't mind." Zee responded while waving his hand.
"What are we going to do with this?" Zee pointed the television.
"We wait and see the outcome of the discussion." HwaHwa explained.
"It's MY life we are talking about." Zee asserted.
"They are my fans but they have no right to decide for me." He continued.
"Zee... They are worried about what is happening and they have valid reasons! Saint Security is not the only security company out there." HwaHwa shared her opinion on the matter.
"HwaHwa... They are the best and I know they are." Dome countered.
"By allowing a box of severed puppy heads to get here? OF COURSE they are worried!" HwaHwa defended.

MY BEAUTIFUL BODYGUARD (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now