Part 2

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"But you always fight with Jianguo, don't you?" Yibo's mom asks him. She continues "and even you often wipes your cheeks if Zhan kisses you so....."

Cutting his mom's words Yibo starts to cry again "Mom, don't peak lite dat(don't speak like that), you don't know anything.. "
His mom chuckles "Then tell me what I don't know"
Yibo sits up and stares at his mom's eyes "Yetterday I had kitt him, promitt dede dat I wod meet ant dive a hud before coming dere (Yesterday I had kissed him, promised Gege that I would meet and give a hug before coming here)"

Yibo's mom is controlling his laughter very hardly; she knows if she laughs at this moment her son will be embarassed and won't share anything.

"Then? What happened?" Yibo's mom raises her brows in a curious manner.

"You ant dat took me here, while I wat steeping and I ditn't gett the tantt. Now I am afrait (You and dad took me here while I was sleeping and I didn't get the chance. Now I am afraid." Yibo takes a pause, looking and the invisible dust on the ground, continues
"Afrait dat dede ith uptet ant won't play wid me evad (Afraid that gege is upset and won't play with me ever)

To be continued.....

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