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Summer is over and now you have to go back to collage, Your major was in art. You had always been artistically talented and all your teachers and friends has always given you praise for the little doodles you would draw in your notebook during class. 

Your parents weren't around much, but you didn't mind as it allowed you to do whatever you wanted. 

You could straight up walk out of you house at 1am to go hangout with friends or go to a party. Your parents owned a business so they we're constantly traveling and you only ever saw them around the holidays. 

The only person you would ever consider to be family would be the nanny my parents hired to take care of you since you were young. She lived with us and was always here. She was payed well as she cooked cleaned and did basically everything for you since you were the age of 5. 

Your mom stayed with you and nursed you until you were 5 and then took off to continue working. So you never really knew your parents. Every time a friend was talking to you about the fight they had with their mom or dad you always got jealous. Because even though they were fighting they still had a connection.

You had found bad ways to cope with not having your parents around. When you entered Highschool you were already pretty "Popular". You knew almost everyone and were constantly out, drinking, stealing, smoking, etc.

Your parents then came home for Christmas and your nanny showed them your grades and they scolded you for it, you didn't like that they thought they had any authority over you since they were never home. So on the one time they were home you had a huge fight. 

After they left you had felt empty. Alone. Miserable. You decided to try and clean up your "Rebellious act." and actually try in school. You still did a lot of drinking, smoking, and hooking up with random people from your or other schools. But you were able to get into a rhythm of juggling schoolwork and social time.

So you graduated Highschool 3rd in your class and headed out to college immediately after.

Your first year consisted of a lot of parties, strangers, and drugs. But one night you ended up in the hospital after an accident after a party. You then realized how bad you were getting and decided to take a break and try rehab. 

You took the summer for yourself and didn't talk to anyone besides your roommate/best friend. 

That summer was the thing you needed. As you head back to school you are ready to start a new. 


Hey! So this is just a little flashback on your life n stuffs so the story hasn't actually started yet! But the first chapter will be out soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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