Ch. 2

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"My apologies Joñin Hatake." The guy replied. My loss for words only got worse after each minute that passed by, and the redness to my cheeks, grew brighter and deeper. "T-That's alright. Just make sure he gets back." Was all I said, before I walked out.

"What the hell was that?" I thought out loud. Shaking my head from left, to right. I began walking home. 'Maybe some sleep will clear my head'

After reaching home, putting the key in the door knob, and opening the door to darkness. I walked in, and flipped the hall light on. Slipping my shoes off, and taking off my forehead protector.

Walking through the house, until I reached my room. I took my vest off, and pulled my shirt over my head. Flomping on my bed, in my pants, and my muscle shirt.

Resting my head on the fluffy white pillow, and staring at the ceiling. 'Rin, Obito, Minato-sensei.' Was what I thought before falling asleep.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

A loud buzzing noise awoke me from sleeping, as the bright sun shone through my window. Groaning, as I turn over. I sat up, and fixed the mask covering half my face.

Knock, knock, knock.

Thumping at my door. I got up lazily, and walked through the hall. After reaching the door, and opening it up to see Yamato.

"Kakashi-senpai. Sorry to bother you so early." He said. "No, it's alright. Come in." I replied, moving out of the way. We walked into the kitchen.

"Can I get you anything?" I asked, seeing him shake his head. "What happened last night? I found the note by my door, saying something happened, and that you wanted to speak to me." He said.

"Oh yeah." I said sitting down at the table. "It was weird. Naruto was at Ichiruka's ramen shop, with his academy teacher. I don't know how to explain it." I went on, telling my closest friend the details on what happened the night before.

"Kakashi-senpai, have you seem him after that?" He asked. I shook my head. "I wasn't really planning on it either." I replied. "Well, that's too bad. We're going out. Come on." He said standing up.

I stood up after him. "Where are we going?" I asked. He smiled and said. "It's a surprise." I nod, and walk into my room to get changed. After walking back to the hallway to put my forehead protector, and shoes on, we walked out.

The whole walk was quiet, and there were barely any people around. We walked into a Bar-B-Que, where we met Master Jiraiya.

"It's been a while Master Jiraiya." I said sitting down. Yamato had walked out, and didn't come back, so I guessed it was only Jiraiya, and I.

"Kakashi. How did the mission go?" He asked. I looked at him. "When we got there, the two-tailed Jinchuuriki was no where to be found. Neither was the third, nor fourth. We failed to protect them." I said.

"It's as I feared." He began. "The Akatsuki are gathering all Jinchuuriki's, I don't know what they want with them, but we have to keep an eye out. We have to protect the other Jinchuuriki's." He finished.

But by the time, Master Jiraiya finished, my gaze was already one the man from the night before. My mind was blank, and my heart wad racing.

"Kakashi!! Kakashi!! Oi!"

A faint sound, that I coukd barely hear. I snapped back to reality, when Jiraiya snapped his fingers in front of my face. "M-My apologies sir." I said looking downcat the table.

He chuckled. "Don't be sorry. You should go talk to him." He said. My face turned red. "No, no. I'm fine right here." I said. He stood up. "Then I'll call him over here, and I can tell him you were staring." He said.

I shook my head, and quickly stood up. "I'll go talk to him." I said, as I started walking out. I walked up to him. "Hey! How's Naruto?" I asked.

He looked at me, and smiled. "He's back at the hospital. Sorry if him leaving was a problem. I can never control that boy." He said.

"That's alright. Naruto barely listens to me, but he's a good kid." I said. I didn't even know what to say. "How's the academy going?" I quickly asked.

"It's tough. But it's been good. How are yiur missions going?" He asked back. I sighed. "Most of them have failed. But I won't stop fighting back. The Akatsuki have hurt too many people." I said.

"You're a fighter. And with your help, I know this generation can bring the Akatsuki down." He replied, with a smile. A blush formed on my cheeks once again, but gladly my face was hidden.

"Thanks. With your teaching skills, the next generation will be a lot stronger." I said, returning the smile.

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