Chapter 2

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I ran, weaving my way through the intricate maze of alleyways. I slipped through the boards of the quarantined building. I set Hiro down and he groaned in pain. I took off his blood-soaked sweatshirt and lifted up his shirt. I peeled the shirt off his body and ripped off a a piece that wasn't soaked with blood and pressed it against his wound. I knew my little brother needed proper medical attention, but I couldn't possibly take him to a hospital. A bullet wound would raise suspicioun, and the police wpoould be notified. I needed a good story, but my mind was empty and groggy from the recent events. Hiro got shot. That was a big deal. I could feel the gears working overtime in my mind.

"I'm gonna get something to eat, ok? Don't get up." I told Hiro, pressing the back of my hand against his forehead. He was a little warm.

"Ok. Be careful." Hiro gave me a crooked smile even though I could tell he was in a lot of pain. I changed into something less suspicious looking, and took some money with me. I didn't want any more trouble after what had happened tonight.


Tadashi paid for the first aid kit and rubboning alcohol along with some milk and sandwiches. He made sure to get Hiro chocolate milk instead of white since he liked it better. For a treat, Tadashi grabbed Hiro's favourite: gummy bears. He kindly thanked the young girl at the cashier with a friendly smile. Tadashi was truly grateful this store was open so late and made a mental note not to rob it.


Tadashi pushed aside the boards of the delapitated building and climbed inside.

"Hey bonehead." Tadashi smiled as he set down the plastic bags beside Hiro as he kneeled beside him to check his temperature. It was still a little warm.

"Hey Tadashi." Hiro gave a half smile.

"How're you feelin bud?" Tadashi asked as he pulled out the first aid kit he had purchased earlier.

"Like a million bucks." Hiro raised his arms. Tadashi smiled.

"This is gonna sting, ok?" Tadashi told Hiro as he dabbed rubbing alcohol on a clean rag. Hiro bit his lip and nodded. Tadashi leaned forward and pressed the rag to Hiro's wound. Hiro inhaled sharply and squeezed his eyes shut. His breath came out in shuddering gasps and the young boy kept an iron grip Tadashi's shirt.

"Älright." Tadashi said no one in particular when he finished. He helped Hiro up into a sitting position so that he could wrap bandages around his stomach. Tadashi handed him a clean sweater. Hiro pulled his sweater over his head, sending his already messy hair into even more sprawling directions. Tadashi handed him a sandwich before taking a bite of his own. He chewed thoughtfully as Hiro took a sip of his chocolate milk.

"We'll lay low for a while. I'm taking you straight to the hsopital tomorrow morning." Tadashi explained before washing down his sandwich with a gulp of milk.

"Ökay." Hiro mumbled with a full mouth. The little guy was tough. He would make it. Even though Tadashi had said they had to lay low for a while, he was already itching to get back outside. Tadashi finished his sandwich just as Hiro began to dig into his gummy bears. Under normal circumstances, Tadashi would just take a walk to burn off his extra energy. But he didn't think that was the greatest idea at the moment. Instead he rose to his feet and practised his kicks. He reminisced the past, when he and Hiro were still in karate class. Life was still rough back then, but they had a permanent roof over their head. When Tadashi found out the government was going to send Hiro away to a different family, he took him and booked it. Ever since then, they've been roughing it on the streets. It was hard at first, but once Tadashi figured out how to steal, life became a great deal easier. After a few minutes of intense training, Tadashi collapsed beside his brother whom had fallen asleep already. Tadashi stared at the ceiling. Water had seeped through, leaving tea-coloured stains behind. He wriggled into his sleeping bag and closed his eyes, much more tired than he had been a few minutes ago.

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