the stranger

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It was cold, of course it was, the planet was a frozen tundra with frequent blizzards. Europa was an Ice planet, Storm-1 was roaming around scrounging for parts. Storm-1 had only been reborn only a couple weeks ago. they were lost
On a planet they didn't know anything about. Storm-1 was an Exo that's for sure, they don't remember how they got to Europa and why they were there. Blue was their only company through the barren land. They were glad to have him there, as they didn't like being alone. "Do you think we will find anyone else?" Storm asked sitting on a boulder looking at the night sky, Blue appeared from thin air with a sparkling blue essence "Sure we will! We just have to keep our hopes up." Blue spoke with enthusiasm, his blue eye looking at Storm, Blue became silent as he looked to where Storm looked "I'm sure the vanguard will come find us." Blue sounded more unsure now, like he was now questioning himself. Storm sighed and held their hand out, Blue turned around his shell moving around in a questioning motion , he placed himself on their palm unsure if that's what Storm was implying, Storm closed their palm around blue and held him close and used their other hand to pet him. "All we can do is hope your right little guy." Storm calmly reassured their ghost.

Cray had just arrived onto Europa. The cold biting onto the awokens mossy green skin. Her blue eyes scanning the terrain, "yep this is Europa." She yawned and stretched, the trip to the planet had been a short boring one, "alright, time to collect some glimmer!" Cray exclaimed excited as she walked off from her ship. Spades Appeared "Guardian, please Be safe out here. There are some strong opponents." Spades spoke concerned "I don't want you to end up like...him." Spades added Cray felt a pang of sadness and hurt in her heart. "I promise Spades, I'll be careful." Cray spoke softly to Spades, as he disappeared, Cray summoned her sparrow and rode to her destination. Destroying any enemy in her way, Vex and Fallen. Her black hair flowed as she fought against her foes, her white cape flowed in the cold wind as she flew glided around taking out her enemies. Her white armor glistened in the dull sunlight from the barely visible sky. After collecting some glimmer and weapons to sell she got back to her ship "that was fun, let's check in on Variks, see if he's okay and see some bounties need to be done." Cray spoke spoke to Spades her ghost, the male voice of her ghost sounded "yeah. Let's see if he's alright after that encounter with Eramis." Then Spades voice cut Cray comm linked Variks "hey. You there Variks." Cray spoke with uncertainty she then heard the bug-like clicking of Variks "Yes. I am, I never thought you would speak to me after... The incident." Variks sounded sad "hey, look, it wasn't your fault especially since you were running from the scorn. I forgive you even if you don't forgive yourself." Cray spoke with reassurance in her voice.

Morning came and Storm was out and about scavenging for parts, and a few hours into searching they unknowingly had walked into Fallen territory, "I'm not sure about this." Blue had worry in his voice talking to Storm "me neither but I see parts that look valuable." They say pointing to a pile of What look likes junk, and in the junk looked to be a perfectly good engine piece. "Yes but I fear that this area is in a bad shape." Blue implied, he wasn't lying this place looked as if it will crumble within seconds "yeah." Storm agreed with a sad tone Blue started feeling bad "let's just...get it and leave, quickly." Blue just wanted out of there he had a bad feeling And wanted to get it over with, although what they never realized was that the feeling wasn't just from the building, they were being watched by many blue eyes, ready to ambush the two unsuspecting duo. A vandal got ready to shoot with his rifle when Storm grabbed the engine Blue swirled and the engine as soon as there was an electric sound Blue jumped and looked at the wall near them to see a scorch mark. Storm was to afraid to move and Blue seemed shaken up "we have to go!" Blue yelled out snapping Storm out of their panicking state Blue whisped away in a blue static and Storm kept the piece in hand as they started running until the way was blocked by a tall creature, the creature had four arms as well as for blue eyes a light blue substance encasing it, "Storm I think we're in big trouble." Blue spoke. The creature in front of Storm wore a scarf and armor pieces covering the things body, it had a mouth plate covering most of it's face. "I knew this was a bad idea." Blue spoke again. Storm-1 raised their arms hoping to be let go "p-please we don't want trouble." Storm tried to defuse the situation they lowered their head looking down at the ground, they felt something large and metallic on their head they look up and see a barrel of a gun from the tall creature, Storm closed their blue eyes excepting their fate waiting to be sealed. Blue eyes watched like this was a arena in the old days.

Cray had just gotten out of the ship, "hey Zavala what up." She asked the blue skinned man on comm "What is your report on Europa?" Zavala asked "nothing going on here. Just checked in with Variks, he has some bounties for me, imma do them soon but yeah." She answered "good. I would rather not have my best be slacking now. How are you." The ending question she knew what he was thinking "I'm fine, really, I just have to continue working and I'll be fine, I'm trying to not to think about it." Cray spoke truthfully, lately she had been doing bounties and strikes to keep her thoughts occupied. Cayde-6s death had been difficult on her, she really was in love with him, even if he was a little dumb, he still belonged to her, there had been many nights she hallucinated his voice and when she looked to find him he wasn't there, she would cry herself to sleep, she only wanted one more kiss, one more sleepless night, one more day with Cayde. She was deep in thought staring out of the window until spades voice cut through her thoughts and beeping. "A distress signal! And it's at Fallen territory." Cray got up "aight Let's go." Her voice was back to being happy as she left her ship, she Summoned her Sparrow and rode quickly. She got off the sparrow and quickly hid, she saw a fallen captain with a gun pointed directly at a blue exo, the Exos eyes weren't showing as it was covered by a plate she took out her sword and got up and with a smile she spoke "let's do this."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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