Chatper One

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It was my first day of high school, first day of the worst kind of hell. I've never admired school. Basing your future on results you get as a teenager. When we all know the teenage years are one of the hardest parts in life. We're distracted and unfocused generally all the time it's not the time to be pressured by 4 hour exams. However satan exist and decided to make a home out of the place I'm forced to visit 5 times a week.

I didn't know what to expect. All I had was my best friend Holly. There was my ex-boyfriend Brady who I was still unsure of my feelings on. It was raining, storming really. I was buzzing, yet timid. My form actually turned out really well. The only people I knew from primary school were a bunch of losers who I never made a good bond with. Sorry I'm a bit of a bitch. There were however a few other girls who looked friendly enough. One who was absolutely breath-taking beautiful. Still to this day I am overwhelmed by how hot she is. I guarantee you if I was a lesbian or a guy I'd kidnap her and hide her in my rape dungeon. And then there were the guys in my form. All looking like bugs except two. One golden tanned, long haired, blonde boy. Obviously a surfer. And a curly haired brunette with kind brown eyes and a dirty tan.

My first class was English SBAE. That stands for school based academic extension. Which means I'm in the higher class for English, this is the same for social studies and math. I'm terrible at science although. Lucky enough for me Sasha, one of Holly's friends from dancing, happened to also be in this class. She was cute and quirky. With coloured skin and glasses framing her beautiful eyes. Small but not to noticeably. We sat together, after being introduced a few times we were familiarised with each other. I remember thinking she was the funniest girl I'd ever met. Also, thank The Lord, the beautiful curly haired brunette from my form was in too. English was easy enough but my teacher always picked on me to read things out which is extremely embarrassing when you have a slight stutter.

It wasn't until recess when I'd seen him. On my way to the bin he'd bumped into me causing me to stumble. Being the dull 13 year old I was the first thing I noticed was his legs. Exceptionally toned legs. If it wasn't creepy I'd probably try and make a plaster of his legs and hang them up in my room, unfortunately that's considered as creepy so I decided to keep those thoughts to myself. With my eyes trailing up his tall tan body we finally made eye contact but he quickly looked away. Everything facial feature was chiseled. Beautiful was be an understatement.

"Sorry I was just uhm," I gestured awkwardly to the bin, "yeh I don't litter." Why I said that? I don't fucking know but I regretted it. I was so weird.

Well he didn't say anything, he let his eyes travel down my much like I did to him. A quick scan was all he needed before he walked away. I already knew that not in a million years he would be interested. A boy like him is rare, and a girl like me, not so much. However he was quite rude, perhaps a sorry would've at least satisfied me.

"Doutz, I can't even talk to these people, how am I supposed to invite them to my party?" Holly whined as soon as I returned. Her birthday was coming up so we decided to throw the first party of the year, get a reputation early.

"People aren't talking to you because they're intimidated by you. The social order has already been set in. Once again, typically, the prettiest girls sit up the top. You're way ahead of the game, I mean look at you. All you have to do is talk to someone without doing some weird shit and you'll be fine. Not everyone is as prejudice as you think," I explained. Unfortunately I was true to my word. People rank you by your beauty more than anything else these days, and Holly, my god she was stunning.

"I don't know that word," she responded.

"Of course you don't, come talk to Charlotte with me," and I tugged her by her sleeve over to Charlotte.

The next two weeks continued like this, trying to make friends, staring at curly brunette locks and avoiding the sinister eyes of the boy I met at recess.

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