Though his back was to the teenagers, (Y/n) could feel the disappointment and irritation radiating from her homeroom teacher as he spoke.

"If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events. U.A.'s selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are. That's also how the teachers run their classes," Aizawa stated, moving to face the kids as he continued. The man's lax stance contrasted the chilling glower he'd directed to his students. "You kids have been doing these since junior high too, right? Physical fitness tests where you weren't allowed to use your quirks." (Y/n) remembered back to her days in Aldera, frowning at the thought. She'd always hated the mandatory fitness exams they had once a semester, as the medium was always ranked somewhere near the lower categories—along with Izuku. By the end of the day, the teen was usually left a sweaty, exhausted mess.

It wasn't all bad, however, as (Y/n) recalled her first fitness exam. She'd scored pretty badly and felt bummed about it at first, but Nanashi and Izuku had been there—the latter also scoring pretty low in the ranks—both doing their best to cheer the medium up, which eventually worked when the freckled male offered to take them out for ice cream with his mom. It soon became tradition for the duo to go get ice cream after fitness exams—sometimes joined by Adelaide, Ichigo, or Hana—and was a nice memory to hold onto.

Zoning back into the present, it seemed that Aizawa was done with his lecture as he called Bakugo to his side, motioning for the blond to step into the circle drawn on the ground. Tossing the boy a ball, the elder continued. "You can do anything you want as long as you stay in the circle. Now hurry up. Give it all you've got." With the lackluster encouragement, Aizawa left the boy to his own. "Really? Well then..."

(Y/n) watched the ash blond do a few quick warmup stretches, and before she could blink-


The (h/l) haired girl covered her eyes from the bright light that Katsuki's explosion emitted—Hito and Shin stepping up to block any debris from hitting the mortal. When the dust had cleared the ball was nowhere in sight, but instead several meters away to where it almost looked like a speck in the dirt. Despite her dislike towards the blond, the medium had to admit she was impressed—the awe clearly displayed on her face. Sparing one last glance at his device, Aizawa then turned to face the kids, his droopy face an exact contrast to the group. "That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero." The man referred to Katsuki's example while facing his phone for the class to see; 705.2 m.

Various exclamations of shock and surprise were heard among 1-A from the blond's throw whilst Hito scoffed. "Pshh, we can do way better than that!" The blue eyed twin boasted, bringing a cocky smile to his brother's face as he nodded in agreement. "Yeah! Just leave it to us (Y/n)!" The medium giggled in amusement at the duo's competitive spirit before some of her classmates began speaking up.

"No way! 750 meters?!" A blond exclaimed.

"This is ten times as fun as some boring entrance ceremony!" The pink haired girl that had been hanging out with Kirishima before also shouted out.

"As expected from the hero course! We can use our quirks without a limit!" Another boy with black hair excitedly pumped his fists.

Though just as the mood had begun to pick up, it did a complete 180. The air was with tension as an unreadable expression settled on Aizawa's face. "Sounds like fun huh..." The man's tone was monotonous, yet (Y/n) could sense his anger and irritation directed towards her class—who quieted down as the man continued. "In total, you all have three years to become a hero. Do you really think you can keep up an attitude like that the whole time?" Aizawa mocked his students, putting a damper on the previously chipper mood.

(Y/n) let a frown carve onto her face while knitting her eyebrows, suppressing a huff from escaping her lips. The day barley started and the (s/t) medium had already been put in a bad mood. She couldn't say that she liked her teacher so far, and based on the annoyed expressions that the twins held on their faces, it was safe to say that they most likely agreed. "What a killjoy," Shin remarked, and (Y/n) mentally agreed.

A bad feeling settled within the girl's gut as a toothy grin suddenly sprouted onto Aizawa's face. The man's dull eye's seemed to light up in amusement as he gazed at his students' mixture of upset and confused faces while a lightbulb went off in his head. "All right," He began. "Whoever come's in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential in U.A. and as a consequence, will face immediate expulsion." The dark haired man's grin only seemed to widen as several jaws dropped—including (Y/n)'s. The class let out a simultaneous noise of shock and suddenly (Y/n) could barley breathe.

'He-he can't be serious...right?!'


Artwork used is mine!


Hey yall,, just wanted to drop in real quick and say that I'm not dead! Just took an unannounced break from quotev(and wattpad) and wanted to drop something while i still have motivation to write. My bad, this break took a bit longer than I expected, but school work got busy during the last few weeks before winter break and im ngl, I just wanted to relax during the break cause I have exams as soon as I get back. Initially I wanted to post something around christmas, but got side tracked with life and stalled a bit. But today's also a special occasion bc of my birthday so I wanted to make sure I got something out(officially 15 lets gooooooo!!) Sorry for the short chapter tho bros I'm feelin a bit rusty lol so I'll try to post again sooner. Once again, thank you for reading, stay safe and happy new years!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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