This had never happened. She could always lose herself in the fight, counting on her instincts so that she would always come out the victor. She trusted her gut more than she trusted anything else. Everything felt like it was happening too fast. There were five coming at her at once and she only had so many arms to fight them with.

One jumped onto her back and she elbowed his nose harshly. He reeled back, clutching his broken nose while Diana went to go run another one through with her sword.

A blood curdling scream stopped her in her tracks, stopped everyone. Diana whipped her head towards Lucy but the girl was fine.

"Eustace." Edmund cursed from somewhere to Diana's left. Diana looked towards the doorway to see a tall man holding a knife to Eustace's throat. The blonde boy looked absolutely terrified.

"Unless you want to hear this one scream like a girl again, I suggest you should drop your weapons." The man holding Eustace said. Diana watched as Eustace's face went from terrified to angered disbelief.

"Like a girl?!" He cried out, spitting his words.

"Now!" The man bellowed, digging the knife deeper into Eustace's throat. The boy froze and Lucy dropped her sword. It clattered to the floor and Diana let hers follow. Edmund cursed under his breath but dropped his sword as Caspien gently set down his crossbow, dagger, and sword.

"Put 'em in irons!" The man holding Eustace called. Rough, meaty hands grabbed Diana's arms, forcing them behind her.

"Don't touch me." She warned. They didn't listen, instead pulling her hands to the opposite sides of her body, causing her to fall backwards.

"Don't touch her!" Edmund yelled, fighting in his restraints.

"Get your hands off me!" Lucy said angrily, fighting the two men who were trying to get her under control.

Good luck with that. Diana thought. She was proud of the youngest Pevensie, though it didn't last long when Lucy let out an aggravated cry as her wrists were bound with iron shackles.

"Let's take these two to market." The man said, pointing to Lucy and Eustace. Diana fought harder. She was not about to let those she was protecting to be sold.

Diana kicked her foot back, finding purchase with someone's gut. But someone else retaliated, grabbing her braid and pulling harshly.

"Send those two to the dungeons." He said, looking to Edmund and Caspian.

"Listen to me, you insolent fools!" Caspian demanded angrily. "I am your king!"

A man punched Edmund, causing his head to fly to the side and blood to fly from his mouth.

"You're going to pay for that!" Diana seethed, continuing to fight against the men holding her.

"Actually," Came another voice. Diana turned her head to see another man dressed in ceremonial robes come out from behind a statue, his hands clasped in front of him. "Someone else is going to pay. For all of you." Then he looked to Diana. "Except you." He tutted, grabbing her chin and forcing her to look up. She spit in his face. He only grinned in response, showing yellowed, rotten teeth.

"We'll have fun, won't we?" He asked her mockingly.

Her stomach dropped.

"No!" Edmund yelled out as Diana ripped her chin out of the man's hands. "Diana!" His voice was filled with fear. But not for himself, for her. He had always known she could handle anything thrown her way. She always did. The last time his voice had sounded like that, she was thirteen.

Your deal isn't fair!

He had screamed it that day.

They began to pull him away and Diana was forced to watch as her closest friends.

"No! Edmund!" Lucy cried out, struggling hard as she was pulled away from her older brother.

"Lucy!" He cried out. Diana forced her head back, head butting the person behind her, breaking another nose. Arms let her go and she ran for Lucy before being tackled from behind. "Get off of her!" Edmund demanded, watching Diana with wide, worried eyes.

"Edmund!" Lucy sobbed before she was ripped out the doors. Edmund was gone too. Caspian with him.

Diana was left behind, on the ground, covered in dirt as a man clambered off her, binding her wrists behind her back. Someone else had put his boot to her head, pushing it further against the concrete flooring.

"We'll sacrifice her." Said the man in the robes as she was hauled to her feet.

"But sir, you said-"

"Look at her hair," the man sneered, gripping a piece of her white locks in his hand. He tugged it closer to him, causing Diana to cry out in anger as it felt like he was ripping it from her skull. "She isn't natural." 

A/N: hey there folks :) I had to ways I had wanted this chapter to go and I didn't decide which way right up until I wrote it. Haha lol. So I guess we'll see what happens in the next chapter. Don't hate me. I love you!

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