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Christmas break had finally come to an end, each year i'd be filled with nothing but excitement- which i am but i'm also a little apprehensive to see Draco. Over the weeks we'd spoke maybe 3 times, in his letters he seemed distance which i understood but i expected more now that we're together.

The break from school turned out better than anticipated, Harry planned to spend his time down at the Burrow with Ron, Hermione and the others and i was just going to go back to little Whinging alone and get tortured by my lump of a cousin. Turns out Harry wanted to come home with me, it filled me with happiness when he told me on the platform as we arrived at the station. I saw that Ron and Hermione weren't impressed by his decision, i overheard Hermione whispering to Ron-

"Now why would he decide to leave us for her, that Slytherin snake"

"I can hear you Hermione, besides i'm no snake"

"Oh please you're just like the rest of them; hateful and discriminating"

"Quite the hypocrite aren't you?, Not once have i acted in such ways towards you"


"No i'm not finished talking, you talk about how bad us Slytherins are, yet you're the one who ditched your best friend just because of the colour of her badge...so now who's discriminating?"

I was to shy to admit it but Harry not having my back sort of hurt, but i guess that'd be asking for to much- maybe we're not at that point yet or maybe i was never going to be loved by him the way he does with Hermione and Ron. Apart from the awkward start, me and Harry spent the break bonding. We'd stay up to stupid o'clock in the morning just talking about anything and everything, he'd talk about these crazy adventures just like the one we did in first year but now it was just him and the others, it's like i no longer existed. It brought tears to my eyes thinking about how isolated i am from him, i was to embarrassed to admit that was the reason for my tears when he'd ask- id just say i was having problems with Blaise, which i guess i was but far different to what he thinks.

Speaking of Blaise- for the first week i'd wake up fearing that i'd find a letter from him sat on my bedside table but it wasn't until a few days ago that i received one-


So it seems you couldn't help yourself, even though you knew what the consequences would be. I told you not to push it Alexis so don't come crying when Draco finds out who you really are, or better yet your brother.

Watch your back, Blaise.

My heart fell out of my chest when i read his cruel words, i brunt the letter so it would fall into any unwanted hands- i couldn't let either of them find out but i didn't know who i was more scared of finding out.

"Alex, you can stop daydreaming now we're nearly at Hogwarts", Harry said patting me on the shoulder.

Harry was kind enough to keep me company on the train as i couldn't really sit with my fellow Slytherins. It was pretty awkward sat here with Harry and the others though- Ron couldn't stop admiring Hermione as he ate dozens of pumpkin pastries but she was too busy to notice as she kept eyeballing me the entire train journey.

"Do you think we'll just have a normal year this time round, just like everybody else", Ron said between shovelling food in his mouth.

"Dream on Ronald, there's always something and i can see Harry is itching to tell us what he knows", Hermione laughed weakly as she prodded Harry.

"It's Malfoy, the thing we talked about before the break- i think it's finally happened", Harry said itching his head awkwardly.

"Harry, you really think it's best speaking about this infront of her", Hermione coughed.

"She's on our side Mione, she detests him just as much as we do", he spat. "As i was saying, he's one of them- i think he's finally got the mark and i have a bad feeling about this year".

I didn't want to be apart of this conversation, i knew Draco wasn't who everyone made him out to be- he wasn't a monster he was just broken and doesn't know how to express his feelings, so he acts out as a defence mechanism.  I drowned out the conversation by resting my head on the window, slowly falling asleep.


It had only been like 10 minutes since we arrived at Hogwarts and i'd already ate my weight in food; 2 glasses of cold pumpkin juice, a healthy portion of Shepherds pie with some gravy and roast potatoes and to finish it off some trifle- Professor McGonagall tried talking me into having some Spotted Dick, i politely refused which i soon regretted because she went on to say that I'm not truly British if i've never tried it.

I sat at the table alone, waiting for Draco to come though the Grand doors but he never did- he also wasn't on the train. I was worried that something may of happened to him but i just had to hope for the best. As i finished off the remainder of my trifle, i felt his dark presence take a seat next to me. I went to stand up but he roughly pulled on my arm, pushing me back in my seat.

"Come on babe, i just want to talk", He grinned evilly as he kept a firm grip on my arm.

"I'm not your babe and if you have something to say, then hurry up with it".

"You're right, you stopped being my babe once you spread your legs for Malfoy", he spat. "Speaking of him, where is he? has he found out what you've been hiding all these years and left you?".

"No i haven't see him, i'm getting worried"

"Lucius probably has him starving down in the cellar", he laughed darkly. "Just pulling your leg, he's probably just running late".

"Look Blaise i'm not into this little bonding session, you said you had something to say- so spit it out", i demanded.

"You want to watch how you talk to me you fucking slut, remember i know who you are".

"I swear if you say anything, i'll fucking-"

"Do you like pretending- Hiding, just seems to me that you're hiding from who your true self because you know if anyone found out, you'd be done for".

"You keep threatening me with the same shit, yet Harry is still oblivious that i'm-"

"Woah what's he doing sat with you and what the hell is going on here Lexi", my stomach sunk as i heard Draco's voice behind us- worried that if he'd of stayed quiet for a few more moments he would of heard what Blaise is using against me.



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