The talk

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America:Texas  we need to talk you sister heard you debating on something in the other room 


the walls crumble a bit

America looks at Texas

Texas passes out America:TEXAS all of the statements look at Texas some in horror and some in shock .America:O GOD THANK GOD MY BABY IS STILL BRETHING America sets Texas on the couch and terns on the TV and tern on Texas channel to find out as much as they can .Tv:California wild fires have spread and people have been moving to Texas and Texas has been having a. Increase of potential and people have been saying that they need to leave Texas completely because Texas has been having alot of backlash and that is the end of the Texas channel bhy for now .America:o god 

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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