Chapter 2

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When Din finished up his business with Karga, he looked back at you and nodded towards the ladder leading down to the cargo space. As to which you'd quickly gotten up to climb down - feeling the sticky warm mess in your panties as you climbed down. Ignoring it, you watched him climb down after you.

In the shower he was gentle, he of course made you turn around so he get undressed and to take off his helmet and then put it on again so he could join you - shutting the door behind him. He looked at your naked form and let out a hum as he started to massage the knots in your back, gently pulling up your hair so he could have easy access to your shoulders. While he massaged your back and shoulders, you lathered body wash onto your body, letting the water wash it off before you turned around to face Din. A handful of body wash in your hands, you started to lather it on his chest, motioning for him to turn around so you could get his back, humming to yourself before placing a soft kiss in between his shoulder blades when you were done. He'd turn around, grabbing a shampoo bottle so he could massage it into your hair... there wasn't any words being said because you both enjoyed the silence of pampering each other... you enjoyed being able to be naked with eachother without having sex, it was nice. You let out a giggle, his fingers tickling your neck while scrubbing the soap into your scalp before he gently guided you into the water a soft chuckle raised from his chest, fingers running through your hair as he rinsed it out... when you were done, you grabbed the towel hanging outside the fresher, stepping out after placing a soft kiss to his shoulder and leaving so he could wash his hair.

Grabbing your dirty clothes and putting them into a hamper, you dried yourself off with the towel while digging around for your clean clothes, decided on a pair of loose shorts and one of Din's shirts. You put them on and began to towel dry your hair, before climbing into the compartment where you and Din slept.

"Put the blindfold on..." You heard him speak before the fresher door closed again, you reached under the pillow and grabbed the black bandana, folding it up so it'd cover your eyes comfortably. You tied it around your head... always struggling with this but Din had always come to help you, trusting you'd never look at him. "Turn around, I'll do it" He spoke, before gently tying it at the back of your head. That's when he turned you around and placed a kiss against your lips, he was always gentle after one of your sessions. He was sweet and sensitive. You'd learn that after the first few weeks of dating him.

"I wasn't... paying attention in the cockpit" You admitted, accepting his embrace as he climbed inside the compartment with you - letting you lay against him, his strong arms wrapping around your body.

"What did Greef want?" You ask, resting your head under his chin - taking in the scent of your body wash. It made him smell like strawberries...

"I can worry about that later... just sleep" Din yawned before kissing the top of your head, letting you squirm around to get comfortable. You put your back to his chest - moving his hands so one was draped over your waist and the other was being held by you, snuggling his hand to your face... you were always very particular about sleeping like this. It made you feel safe and Din didn't mind... he thought it was adorable. His hand left your tummy to grab the blanket discarded off to the side, pulling it over the two of you, his hand went back to where it was, giving your stomach as soft squeeze as he pulled you closer. You'd fallen asleep not long after...

You slept like a rock, you didn't notice how Din would remove the blindfold from your face just to stare at you, adoring your sleeping face and the little sounds you'd make while having an interesting dream that you'd no doubt tell him about when you woke up. His fingers traced the sides of your face, leaning over you. He leaned down - softly kissing your jaw... muttering something under his breath, a declaration of feelings he'd only say when you were asleep. You knew he loved you... you could tell from the way he held you during moments like this and in the fresher, sometimes when you're alone in public.

He'd never said it to you directly, only when you're asleep - despite the past few months. He was scared if he said it, you'd turn away from him.

Sometimes, you'd wake up in your home with the blindfold laid out next to you. This was usually when Din had to leave to collect a bounty. He was never gone longer then a week... but you'd always wonder if you'd taken it off or if he had.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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