Chapter 2

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'Dearest Neoma,

I miss you. Words cannot express how much I wish you could come to stay with me, but it's not the best time at the moment. We have some unexpected guests that have dropped by that are staying for the foreseeable future. It's only a month until school starts, do you think you'll be able to last that long?

I've got to go, but I hope to receive an owl from you soon.

Yours, Draco'

I smiled at got out my ink, quill, and a piece of parchment as Draco's owl rested next to Axl. Thinking for a moment, I began to write a letter back to him. A loud crack startled me as Fred and George apparated into my bedroom.

"What's this?" Fred asked, picking up the parchment I was writing on.

"Writing another letter to Malfoy?" George added.

"Can I have it back? I need to write a letter back!"

Fred handed the parchment back to me as Cedar perked up from the spot I had set up for her at the end of my bed. She playfully nipped at Fred's other hand and Fred began to stroke her gently in response.

"You spend most of your time here writing to him, spend a little time with your best friends for a change!" Fred groaned.

"I will just give me a few moments to finish my letter," I insisted.

"Would it help if I told you that Harry's here?" George asked.

With that I perked up as they apparated back out of the room, leaving for a very confused Cedar wondering why Fred had stopped stroking her. I stroked Cedar a couple times before telling her to stay as I rushed out of my room and down the stairs to the bedroom that I knew Ron and Hermione had been waiting for Harry.

"Why would he want to keep me in the dark? I mean, maybe I could help! After all, I'm the one who saw Voldemort return. I'm the one who fought him. I'm the one who saw Cedric Diggory get killed," I heard Harry say.

My heart stopped for a split second at the mention of Cedric's name. I could see Hermione looking around trying to see if I was in earshot. Hiding just behind the corner, I calmed myself down and wiped away a tear that had strayed to my eyes.

"Harry thought we heard your dulcet tones," Fred greeted.

"Don't bottle it up though, mate, let it out. That's what Fred and I have been trying to tell Neoma, anyway," George added.

"Where is Neoma, anyway? She didn't hear-" Hermione began to ask.

"I'm right here, Hermione." I greeted, walking into the room behind her and Ron, "I'm fine, Harry. Don't let Fred and George get you worried."

"That is a downright lie, and you know it, Nea," Fred protested.

I went quiet, knowing full well that Fred could see through any deception that I tried to use.

"Neoma?" Harry asked.

"Can we about something else? Please? I...I don't want to talk about it right now," I replied, blinking rapidly to stop the tears in my eyes from falling.

The group went quiet for a moment before George spoke up.

"Do you all want to listen to something a little more interesting?"

Everyone else followed George down to the stairwell, to most likely listening in on the meeting downstairs that I had decided not to attend. I followed as Fred left the room, but turned the opposite way and headed back up to my bedroom.

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