Chapter 2

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Just a small note, I'm changing the story slightly to help the book flow a bit better. Enjoy!


"Let's get to school. If we don't hurry, we're going to be late." I said, brushing off my thoughts from just a second earlier.

"Hold on a second, there's actually another reason I came to see you. The other reason is this picture." the taller man said, pulling out a picture and holding it out for us to see. "Something dangerous is hiding in this town. Something very dangerous is approaching." he continued, dropping more similar pictures onto the ground.

I squatted closer to the ground, grabbed a picture, and looked at it, seeing a rough-looking man with mist behind him. The rest of the picture was dark.

"When Old Man Joseph tried to get a spirit photo of you, this is what he got instead. We're not sure why, but he's probably a stand user." the man said, as Josuke flipped through the picture and the shorter kid looked from over my shoulder. "This doesn't concern you, but I wanted to at least show you the picture. You've been warned." the man continued, taking the pictures back.

I stood up and looked at the man, still slightly annoyed at him. "Why bother showing us the pictures if it doesn't concern us? That seems like backwards logic to me, but okay." I thought.

"Koichi-kun and..." the man started, staring at me expectantly.

"(Y/N)." I replied, dusting off my uniform as I spoke.

"Koichi-kun and (Y/N)-kun, if you happen to see him, don't go anywhere near him. Calling the police won't help. Just run." he said before turning to my best friend, "Josuke, don't lose your temper and go after him, either. You'll get hurt, just like a moment ago."

I glared at the man slightly, not noticing that Josuke was as well.

"Oh! The entrance ceremony!" Koichi suddenly exclaimed.

"Ack! Look at the time!" Josuke said, looking at his watch. "Aw shit... Who knows what my mom'll do to me if I'm late on the first day?!" he continued, grabbing his bag from off of the ground.

"I told you we were going to be late, idiot!" I said, smacking him slightly with my own bag as he gave me a sheepish smile.

"Hey, I'll listen to everything you've got to say after school." Josuke said, turning towards the taller man. "(Y/N), Koichi, was it? Let's go!" he finished, running off in the direction of the school.

I jogged next to him with a sigh, making sure Koichi wasn't falling too far behind. "You really need to stop picking fights, Josuke-kun. Who was that guy anyway?" I said.

"Him? That was my nephew Jotaro Kujo." Josuke replied, nonchalantly, messing with his custom uniform to make sure everything was still in place.

"Oh, makes sen- Wait... NEPHEW?! He looked older than you!" I exclaimed, nearly dropping the bento my Papa worked so hard on before just narrowly catching it.

"Yeah, it's a long and very complicated story. Basically, my family tree is fucked." he said, laughing as he ran. "By the way, what's with the box? Did Pops pack you a special lunch for today?" he teased lightly. "You're so lucky... I forgot to grab mine before my mom shoved me out of the house."

"Huh? O-Oh no. He knew you you were going to forget yours and made one for me to bring to you." I laughed, slightly flushed by his teasing. "Here." I continued, handing him the bento.

"Dude, your dads are the best! Tell them I said thank you." he replied, giving me one of his day-brightening smiles. "Oh! That reminds me! I got a lapel pin for you when I was shopping for mine." He said, pulling out a small star-shaped lapel pin and handing it to me.

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