Chapter 9: The Island Encounter

Start from the beginning

"Can we be friends?" Golden Fire asked.

"Of course. I'm not a picky slash judgy person. So, you can be my friend." Golden Fire squealed happily and hugged Charlotte to the point Charlotte couldn't breathe.




"I need air... Losing.... Oxygen"

"Oops! Sorry bout that." Golden let her go and gave a nervous laugh.

Charlotte smiled, " Its ok... C'mon. We gotta find my friends." The two walked through the woods for what felt like hours.... Golden stopped and put Charlotte behind her. Golden's yellow fluffy ears twitch as if searching for something.

"Golden? Is everything ok?" Charlotte asked. Golden picked up a rock and threw it. The two girls heard a very loud thud. They walk over and saw Percy unconscious on the ground.

"Percy?! Oh my god!" Charlotte shrieked with a hand covering her mouth.

Golden looked at him. "Oh.... Was he a friend?..... Oops." She picked Percy with a stick.

Percy woke up an hour later. "Ugh.... My head...."

"Sorry bout that!" Golden Fire said with a cheery smile.

Percy screamed and backed away. "Who are you?!"

"Percy, this is Golden Fire. She's a friend I picked up on the island." Charlotte smiled.

"Percy is such an odd name..... I like it!" Golden gave a thumbs up.

"So..... Did you find Edward like you wanted?" Percy said with a sarcastic tone.

"Percy, enough! I'm done with these little games! I'm done with your stupid jealousy and I guess I'm gonna have to lay this harshly cause you don't seem to comprehend or get the hint. I've tried being nice but you take it as me being cute and lovely to you so let me tell you how I really feel about you as of right now."

Golden didn't even know what was going on but it was enough for her to lower her fluffy yellow ears at Charlotte yelling at Percy. Percy was full on up against the tree as she was yelling at him.

Then came the words Percy didn't want to know or hear. "I don't like you! You think I love you that way?! I only care about you and that is it! I love Edward! More than you could possibly know and I'm never gonna stop loving him! I will NEVER love you the way I love him so just grow up and stop acting like such a baby!"

Charlotte stops yelling and leaves to go find some fire wood. Golden sat down next to him as she saw tears streaming from his eyes.

She pats his head and he just sobbed. "I.... But.... He's..... I love...." He couldn't form a sentence. The knot in  his throat wouldn't allow it. Percy cried himself to sleep. Golden Fire and Charlotte stayed around the fire to keep warm. "Sorry you had to hear all that.... He just never learns. "

"Its ok Charlotte. You only did it to put your foot down and say what was right. He was pretty hurt though." Golden hands her an apple as she spoke.

"Thanks..... Well I didn't want to be mean but he left me no choice. What does he see in me that he has to act like that?" Golden shrugged at Charlotte's question. The two really didn't know.

Next morning they found the crew. They were searching for them. Charlotte introduced Golden Fire to them. Golden Fire seemed to get to know everyone very well but when it came to Percy.... She got a very eerie vibe coming from him. Something in her gut made her worry about Charlotte. The vibe made her stomach turn. How could someone who seemed so innocent make her have a bad feeling? She wasn't sure. Charlotte was constantly kissing Edward and cuddling him. Golden could see she was serious about the relationship thing. The question she had asked last night made her wonder about Percy. Why was he acting that way? Yeah, she did feel bad for him but she knew the way he acted was rather unusual.

Percy couldn't stand Edward kissing Charlotte. He couldn't stand it when he made her laugh. Percy gritted his teeth so hard they were kinda bleeding. He stormed off onto the ship. Milo saw this and thought it would be a good idea to probably talk to him now.

Milo walked onto the ship and saw Percy in the lower deck punching the wall. "Percy would you stop that-" he was cut off by the look Percy gave him. He gave Milo a cold stare. His black colored eyes said everything he needed in order for Milo to shut up. "Listen.... I'm not here to fight..... I just wanna talk." Percy laughed and stopped punching the wall. "What makes you think I'm gonna believe that Milo!? Go on! Say it! I'm a coward! A loser!" Milo for once in his life saw that Percy was broken.

Though as usual, like he would with any pirate, shrugged it off and said, "No, I'm not here to do that. I'm here to talk to you about what's been going on lately. I see the way you act recently and whatever it is, you need to stop. This thing with Charlotte.... You need to let it go. She's not gonna love you the way She loves Edward. Just accept  you're her friend. That's all you got to do now. You can't keep doing this. It's not right. If you truly love her, then you'll take my advice."

Milo walked away. Percy started to laugh. His laugh was a crazed one. One that could make any person feel uncomfortable.

He then sighed, "I will make her love me. She will be mine. Only mine!" He started laughing again. Golden had been spying on him. She became worried. She had to do something. She had to help Charlotte.... But how? Whatever it was that she needed to do, Golden Fire had to protect Charlotte. She had to protect her friend.

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