And down plopped Yang Jeongin in all of his white haired beauty.

"Hiya," he chirped, his lips pulled into a wide smile as he leaned forward in the chair, "What're you doing here so early?"

Felix raised his eyes only for a moment, and then leaned himself back in his own chair with his lips puckered. "I just felt like it. Got up too early. Why are you here so early?"

The younger male let out a soft giggle, releasing a tiny sigh before rolling his shoulders back. "Professor asked me to come in early. Plus I had to catch the bus... Broke college things you know?"

The blond just nodded his head. Sadly, he knew it a little too well. Except he barely even had the money for buses.

He shrugged his shoulders slightly, chewing on his bottom lip only for a moment before he leaned himself forward against the table.

"You look bothered."

Felix peered up at Jeongin with wide eyes, only to close his eyes and breathe out with puckered lips. "Roommate things. Nothing much. I'll be alright, I just need class to start and I'll be okay."

The taller male perked up straight and tapped his hands expectedly bouncing up and down against the disgustingly green chairs. "Who's your roommate? Is he hot? Or is he one of those 'pretty' but not exactly hot-"

"Jeongin, with all do respect, stop asking me if he's hot or not." Felix motioned towards him a single time, hand dropped against the table afterwards.

The latter blushed slightly, rolling his eyes away from Felix's gaze only to lift it back up. "Is he though?"

"I can agree with Jeongin's inquiry," Yeonjun popped up beside him, sitting down on the chair as well. "Is he hot? Or is he like, I don't know, cute? Is he an old man-"

Felix closed his eyes and drew in a very heavy and irritated breath.

Again with the "Chris this and Chris that."

Was Felix ever going to catch a break? Or was he going to have to deal with them questioning whether or not Chan was hot?

God, he sure as hell hoped fucking not.

"Damn, you are taking a little while to answer."

His jaw clenched, and he sent a glare in Yeonjun's direction.

"I don't know, Yeonjun, do you think that Christopher Bang is hot just like every other person in this God damned school?"

Oh, what have I done now.

Yeonjun smiled. He smiled, and then jumped up slightly, almost as if he was excited. "Duh, have you seen him, man, he's gorgeous. Like, extremely gorgeous. Not even gonna lie. If I could, I would tap that-"

"Oh my God, please shut up about Chris."

The pink haired male's lips sealed immediately, and he dropped down timidly against the table and glanced away shyly.

Felix rolled his eyes. Of course he would find Christopher hot.

It was a common theme. With everyone. Even Hyunjin, who had a boyfriend, said the exact same thing. That he was hot.

And, yes, while he was hot, Felix didn't want to hear everyone else gushing about how gorgeously sculpted by a God he was. He had a pair of eyes, he didn't need to hear it in both of his ears, too.

"I'm sorry, just, please." Felix rubbed his hands over his face, closing his eyes with a small sigh before he opened his eyes and pointed the same hand that was rubbing his face towards Yeonjun. "Please don't talk about how hot he is. I hear enough of it already."

Jeongin's head cocked to the side in confusion. "Do you not like Chris or something?"

Felix closed his eyes again, and then released a small huff again. "I just don't want people to be fawning over my roommate, alright? It just makes things that much worse. I really think I can go without hearing it over, and over, and over again. Don't you think?"

Yeonjun just nodded his head softly, nose wrinkling slightly before he turned around and glanced up towards the front of the room.

He felt bad for snapping, yeah- but he had had enough of hearing about Chan. Seriously, how much could someone go on about a guy that they didn't even know? It was sincerely irritating.

Felix grumbled to himself, looking up and Jeongin and offering him a tiny smile. "Does that answer your abundance of questions, Jeongin?"

The latter nodded his head with a soft hum, and turned his attention to the same space that Yeonjun was looking at.

Felix eventually followed their gaze, and on the board in the teachers' neatest (which was still sloppy, much like Felix's hand writing on a bad day) handwriting, was 'paint your muse'.

He blinked at the board.

And the first thing that flew into his mind was Christopher Bang's stupidly pretty face.

Though, he was quick to try and get that face out of his mind. Which worked, at least enough for Christopher's face to be replaced by Hyunjin's.

Hyunjin was the better muse anyway.

Felix had seen his face so much that it was hard to forget even the minor details.

And painting anyone was better than painting Christopher.

-    /    -

[ a/n ] an update but make it double ∠( ᐛ ∠)_

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