New Beginning

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Ileana is jolted awake by the alarm on her nightstand. She lets out a loud groan and throws the blanket off of her. She makes her way to the bathroom and gets herself ready for the day. She then made her way to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. After getting ready for her job she makes herself out of the house and makes her way to the firehouse.
When Ileana arrives at the firehouse she makes her way to the locker room and is greeted by Hen.
"Good morning" Hen says as she turns away from her locker
"Morning" Ileana sighs and gives a smile to her
Ileana puts on her uniform and braids her hair and makes her way upstairs with Hen. She gets greeted with a series of good mornings from Buck, Chimney, and Bobby. She smiles and greets everyone back. Ileana then makes her way to Bobby.
"Need help with anything?" She asks
"Nope, I think I'm good thank you" she nods and gives him a small smile.
Ten minutes pass before all of the food is set at the table. Everyone sits and starts to dig in but then the bell goes off for an emergency. The team had gotten a call about a guy that hit his head on a diving board and wasn't breathing. When they got there the first thing that Ileana sees is, what she assumed to be the mother, performing CPR on her son.
"Ily, start chest compressions. Hen, start bagging him." Captain Nash says
"Got you, Cap" Hen and Ileana say at the same time
"Get some of the water out" Hen says
"Coming around. Starting compressions"
"Pulse ox is on." Chimney says
"Do you know how long he was underwater?" Ileana hears Bobby say in the background.
"17, 18, 19, 20. Go" Ileana says. Chimney charges the defibrillator and then Hen shocks him.
"No rhythm" Chimney says after the shock
The defibrillator charges again and then Hen shocks them again.
"Come on, come on" Buck and Ileana whisper at the same time.
"It's coming, it's coming, it's coming" Hen says and all of a sudden the man wakes up and starts coughing violently.
"Hey man. That's it. Get it out." Buck says and Ileana takes a deep breath of relief.
Bobby bends down to the boy, "Good job, kid" he says with some pats to his shoulder.
"You're gonna be okay" Hen says, giving him a reassuring smile.
"Thank you" the boy's mother breathes out and goes to hug her son.
Ileana and the team give them both smiles and take him into the ambulance to get checked at the hospital.

***Time Skip***
The team gets called on another call about a woman about to jump. Ileana always feels a weight on her heart when they get one of these calls. She takes a deep breath. Bobby looks over to her and gives her a reassuring smile and she musters a small smile in return. After a bit of time, they arrive at the scene and Ileana sees people crowded, some of them with their phones out recording.
Ileana sees Bobby at the top conversing with the women at the top. For a moment she sees a look of hesitance on the woman's face but then she seems to make up her mind and then the woman jumps. Ileana hears gasps and shouts all around her, she makes eye contact with Bobby at the top and she sees the look of guilt on his face; she tries to reassure as much as she could but even she feels an immense amount of guilt crawling up to her heart.
Ileana leaves the firehouse at the end of the day with mixed feelings. On one hand she saved some lives, and for that she feels good about herself, but on the other hand she also lost some. Ileana's drive home is silent and smooth. She exits the car and enters her apartment. Ileana goes through the process of getting ready for bed, shaking off the memories and feeling she's gone through over the course of the day. After getting ready for bed, Ileana gets into her bed and sits up with her back against the backboard. She grabs her phone from the nightstand and dials his number. She hears the sound indicating that the phone is ringing on the other end.
"Hey Ily" Eddie says on the other end, she hears a bit of shuffling on the other end.
"Hey" she replies with a smile and feels relief hearing his voice.
"How was your day?" He says soothingly
"It was.....interesting. Wasn't the best day I've ever had, but also wasn't the worst. How was yours?" Ileana says
She hears him sigh, "I could say the same" he replies
Ileana hums before saying, "How's Chris. Did the clothes I sent him fit?"
"Yea they did. And he's doing good, you know him, always happy and giggly" he replies. Ileana could hear the smile in his voice talking about his son.
Ileana hums a little laugh, "That's good. I miss you guys"
"We miss you too....listen um.." he says before going silent
"Eddie, what is it?" Ileana say a little worried
"I was thinking..... of moving over there." Eddie mumbles the last part
"Did I hear that right? You said you want to move down here?" Ileana says surprised and excited.
"I mean yea eventually. I feel like it would be a fresh start for me and Chris" Eddie says
"Well I'm here to support you either way okay?" Ileana says reassuringly
"Thanks Ily. You should head to bed, you must be exhausted" Eddie says
"Yea I think I'll do that. Good Night Edmundo" Ileana says
"Good night Ileana" Eddie says back. They hang up before Ileana goes to bed.

[A/N: Hello!! I'm so so soooooo sorry about the late chapter :(. I'm currently a senior in high school worrying about college stuff along with keeping my grades up and also making sure my mental health is stable enough to continue. My sister and I finally found some time and motivation to continue with the story, and I'm also going to warn that this book will have very very very slow updates so I'm sorry in advance. And also these are unedited and not proofread chapters. But anyways I hope you enjoy it so far!!!]

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