Extra: Kunihina

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"They've been exposed already" Hinata said giggling

"Hmm?" Kunimi

Hinata then looked at Kunimi who has his head on Hinta's lap

"They got exposed by Tendou in their GC" Hinata said showing the phone to Kunimi

"You saw Tendou, didn't you?" Kunimi asked while looking up at Hinata

"Maybe~" Hinata

"You're evil" Kunimi then sat up giving a quick on Hinata's lips then adding "and I like that"

Hinata laughs at the statement then quickly hugs Kunimi

"You think we should also tell our teams?" Hinata asked

"Nah where's the fun in that?" Kunimi then smirked

"Plus I don't want to explain"

Hinata giggles at this "Yeah you're right that's too much work"

"Come on let's go to sleep" Kunimi said standing up from his couch and leading Hinata to his room since Hinata was staying over

The next day (Saturday)

"Akira wake up, I need to go I have morning practice" Hinata tries to pry Kunimi's arms around his waist but no avail

Hinata takes a deap breathe then yelled "KUNIMI FUCKING AKIRA WAKE THE FUCK UP"

"Ouch my eardrums" Kunimi lets go of Hinata to try and ease the pain his ears when through

"Hi good morning 😃" Hinata said to Kunimi

"I knew it you're evil" Kunimi replied

Hinata rolled his eyes at the response "Anyways I have morning practice I have to go get ready" he then stands up then when to Kunimi's closet

"You're gonna use my clothes?" Kunimi asked still half a sleep

"Yeah forgot to bring some extra clothes for practice" Hinata

"M'kay" Kunimi said almost falling a sleep again if it weren't for Hinata hitting his head

"Ouch" Kunimi said while rubbing his head

"Get up you also have practice, I'll prepare breakfast you take a bath" Hinata


Kunimi then proceeded to the bathroom with clothes at hand

"He looks so cute when he's sleepy" Hinata said with a wide grin on his face

"Well better get cooking"

Hinata then proceeded to the kitchen to prepare their breakfast
After breakfast

They just walked out of the house and Kunimi was locking the door.

"You'll come over after practice right?" Hinata asked

"Yeah we can have a movie marathon"

"Yey!!" Hinata then hugged Kunimi

After breaking the hugged Hinata kissed Kunimi's cheeks and said "I'll see you later. Bye I love you" He then waves and left Kunimi alone.

"You certainly have a cute boyfriend" Kindaichi said popping out of nowhere

"The fuck man" Kunimi replied annoyed with his best friend suddenly popping out of the air

Kindachi laughs at Kunimi's reaction "You should have seen your face"

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