At last the trees began to separate and I pause to take in the sounds around me. I hear, I hear people. I need to get to them, I need to reach them, I need to get help!!

After all I said I- he promised- I would-help...

What did I say again?

I find myself becoming drowsier by the second seemingly forcing myself awake.
As I try to sort through my thoughts I hear a distant crunch behind me.

Using a nearby tree I forcibly turn myself around.

Once again the wood is silent, not a sound could be heard besides the rustling of branches.

I smile to myself hands pushing myself of the tree.
Suddenly two rough hands reach around me, covering my eyes and mouth. I bite at the person's hands struggling as hard as I could.
I hear the person wince in pain as I shrunk again slipping out of the person's grasp.

Quick to stand I rush towards the edge of the woods. But before I can make it even one step I'm once again falling to the ground restrained by strong arms and squirming helplessly. After a few minutes of useless struggle I relent.

"UghhhHHH fine I give up you baboon!! Now let me go!"

Laughing heartily the boy releases me. He shouldn't act so smug!! I knew these people were thugs!! He could of suffocated me!! Stupid Fivehead ape!

I stand throwing a glare in the boys direction before growing fully in size to properly dust myself off.

"I didn't expect you to let go so easily." I mean seriously was this boy stupid, I'm a deMOn!!


"How thick headed could you be!! Honestly do people no longer value their lives these days!!." Oh yeah LeMMe JUST FucKINg MEss ArOUNd With A Demon!!! Stupid ass humans...

A blank expression crosses the slayer face. UGh this guy!!

" I COulD EScApe AT ANY MOMent AND YOU're JUST LAYING there" I screech.

Another awkward silence ensues so I reluctantly reach out a hand to help the boy off of the ground.

He takes it eagerly, the warmth from his hands almost burning my own.

"But you weren't lying" the boy says quizzically.


Faster than I can even think a blade is pushed to my throat.

The blade was black like slit and coal yet burned my skin like fire.

"Your scent...."

My attention snapped back to the person below me.

"You really had given up...running away that is. My nose would've known if you'd lied."

...His nose?

My hands are still held by one of his own in almost a steel like grip. His face and eyes shine with pride and truth. This boy really was strange...and cocky too.

"However, as for my competence as a demon slayer," With a motion as fluid as water he was behind me gripping my waist, sword already beginning to slice my neck, the cold feeling overtaking my senses as a familiar red liquid makes itself present on my skin.

"I could kill you at any time I wanted!" He finishes with a bright smile.

Why did he have to sound so enthusiastic about it! I most certainly will die!!!

" You're GONNA GIve me A hEArt ATTACk iF yOU KEEp THIS uP you AssholE!"

"I most ceRTAinLY DieEE Of A heart ATTACk And IT WILL BE ALL YOUR fauLT!!!

"I DON't EVeN havE A husBAND Or WIFe yet!!!"

"I'm GOnna




Lowering his sword he begins to laugh, so obviously at my expense.

"HEYY STOPp lauGHIng WILL you!! THis IS SERoiuss!!!" taking advantage of his weakened state I shake him back in forth

"STUPID! STupID!! StPUId!!!! Stopppp LAUgHINNNgg At mEEe!!"

Smiling down at me barley containing his laughter enough to speak he says.

"I'm sorry I- I'VE never-"

That Bastard HAS THE has the audacity to continue!!

"No demon has- Has ever-"

Shoving him off we struggle back and forth as I pathetically try to gain the advantage. Grabbing my wrists he flips me over slamming me onto the ground. I feel the air leave my lungs as the man above me pauses only for a second before immediately tickling my sides. Holding my hands captive above me. THIS is So emBarRassing And I can't get hIm off No maTTER HOw hard I KIck OR thrASh!! I can't breathhEE!!!!

"PLeASEe-HAha I'm GONn-a DIEE! PLeasE- AiR- I'm SORRY!!! St-Op-!!!" Tears make there way down my face as I laugh even harder than before.


Red eyes and Red hair....

The moonlight shone through the tree's illuminating the boy above me. His eyes now glowed as brightly as his heart sang. He smiled softly down at me some of his neat slicked back hair falling in his face. He stops now just resting his hands on the ground beside me.

"You know dandelion..."

I gasp in air desperate for it. Cheeks stinging from the cool night air.

"You look quite cute when you smile."

My face flushes as my breath becomes more labored. Some reason, I feel like I've been called that before.
Shaking my head I let those thoughts leave my head.

JUST wHO DOes THIS BOY THink He ISS!!! Standing up he releases my arms and legs offering a hand to help me up.

"Well that was quite an exciting end to the night."

He says picking his sword off the ground and stuffing it back into his sheath. We make our way back towards the camp, not that I have much of a choice in the matter anyways.

"Let's start again, I'm Tanjiro Kamado, what's your name dandelion." finishing off his sentence with a soft head pat. I wonder if he's always this touchy? Was that normal? How the hell should I know?

"It's Zenitsu..."

"Zenitsu huh?..."

I liked the way he said my name, he almost made it feel,


Nezuko's POV

I woke up early to the sound of hushed whispers a giggles, the sun has yet to have enter the sky. Tanjiro and the Golden boy now stood laughing quietly to themselves as my brother tried, and failed to shove the demon in his basket. I haven't seen my brother smile, sincerely smile for a long time. It's...nice. Rolling back over in my sleeping bag I soon fall back into my deep slumber. I wonder...I wonder if Mom's doing okay.

 Authors Note

So the other author is mad that I banned them from sitting on the bed until they finally wrote the first chapter of their fanfic and now they said I can't watch tik tok until I've updated mine!!! Yeah so here I am. But um fun fact for this chapter quite important fact actually, every time Zenitsu sleeps he has to relive bits and pieces of the day he died or became a demon.... however you wanna put it!!! And one extra fact (from this fanfic) Insouke likes to pick flowers for his sisters and make pretty flower crowns for them! Cause why not!! But yeah should I make Yurshiro and Zenitsu friends or rivals I can't decide!!! What do y'all think? 

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