Pansy was in all ways a Slytherin, all the good and all the bad. Though Pansy was always terrified of the Dark Lord. "You scared me." I added.

"Class is over." She replied. I scrunched my eyebrows together, in confusion.

"What-?" I immediately looked around the room. The classroom was deserted, not even Umbridge had stayed to tell me to leave. "Witch." I muttered under my breath, referring to the 'professor'.

"Well come on then, witchy." She snapped, as started to walk to the door. I quickly gathered my books and everything off my desk, before chasing after her. After D.A.D.A class, we tended to meet up with a group of her female Slytherin friends. She liked to meet up with them to tease other houses and especially other girls.

It drove me insane. I always stayed behind after every interrogation to make sure the person they had just insulted were okay. Yet, I was Slytherin. Most of them had ran before I had a chance.

Pansy and her friends had already started to torment a small Ravenclaw boy who was laughing alongside a Hufflepuff girl. Both of which had immediately frowned when the Fifth-year girls had appeared. 

They were children. They must have been first years they were so tiny and admittedly defenceless. 

And I had got tired of being her friend. I shook my head. Looked around. And took a breath. 

"Pansy." I said, standing about 6 feet away. But she hadn't heard, instead she was too busy picking on the two first years. "Pans!" I said a little louder. But she still didn't hear me, even her friends were to busy poking and prodding the two first years. 

I took a breath. "shit," I whispered. 

"Oi, Pug face!" I shouted. Then Pansy stopped. Releasing her hold on the two eleven year old's. The girls all stopped too. They started whispering, they were shocked to know I even had a voice. Pansy turned slowly, with a look if disgust plastered on her face. 

"What did you call me?" She asked. 

"You heard me you, you disgusting Snake." I replied. I looked up to her, she was a few inches taller than me, but I ignored it. She was a typical bully. 

"Oh, look at this girls." She said, walking slowly towards me. "Looks like the Pureblood Princess finally found her voice." Pansy mocked me. I hated that nickname. I was no Princess. 

"I always had a voice, Pansy. I just knew if I spoke up to you, I'd say something that you wouldn't like." I answered. 

"Oh please, we have an audience, enlighten me. Princess." Pansy took a step forward. As I looked around I realised that she was right, a large group of other student had gathered around from all sides, sealing us in a circle. 

I know what they expected. 

I laughed. "You're the girl who everyone fears, the typical Slytherin filth. But without Draco, or Blaise, or any of these foolish followers, you're nothing but a scared little girl." I said.

"Me? A scared little girl? This coming from the girl who's still running from her families honour." Pansy fought back. The audience was obviously spurring her on, not literally but she liked to imagine that all eyes were on her, when really they weren't. 

I looked around as I noticed more and more people pouring into the courtyard. I also noticed as a large group of Gryffindor's walked through the doors. 

"You think you're going to find other friends, who'll take you. You're the Pureblood Princess, everybody fears you." Pansy chuckled. "I'm the only friend you'll ever have, too bad you choose not to have me." She continued. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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