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Morning came to early, I wish I could've stayed in bed all day and never move but that wasn't an option. And so, I forced myself to roll painfully out of my bed. Clothes. Holy crap what was I going to wear.
I had been so worried about what would happen at school that I had completely forgotten about what I was going to wear.

After what felt like hours, I decided on some baggy jeans, a ribbed turtleneck and a black zipped jumper. I left my hair down and put on some light mascara and lipgloss. I've never cared that much about my appearance for school but these are first impressions and I did't want to look too bad. I ran quickly down the stairs, aware of the fact that I was late. 

"Aster, wait!" My father called as I ran into the kitchen. 

"Yes, what do you need, I'm really late" 

"I need you to drink this before you go." He pointed towards a glass at the edge of the table. 

"And that would be...?" I asked in response.

"It's an occlumency potion to help block anyone from mind." He answered

"Father it is highly unlikely that there will be students who are legilimense that are secretly working for Voldemort." I rolled my eyes as I picked up a banana- I would have to eat it on the way.

"Either way, we have to take every security measure"

"Ugh, Fine"

I picked up the glass and drank all of the sickly sweet liquid. I ran out the door and started quick-walking down the street as I ate my banana. Father had given me directions the day before and had driven me through the route so I knew exactly where I was going.

About half a mile into the walk it began to rain and before long in was sprinting. I love rain, it's so cool and calm, although, when you're late and it's your first day, it's not the most helpful thing. By the time I could see the buildings I was completely soaked through and so I out of breathe, my lungs felt at the point of bursting. 

I stopped run and clambered up to the small hut-looking structure with a sign outside that read 'School Office'. I shoved open the door and half fell into the room. It was cramped but warm compared to outside, the room comprised of a small desk with three bookshelves behind it, two chairs against the opposite wall, a notice board and a plant that resembled a miniature palm tree. The woman sat behinds the desk welcomed me with a warm smile. 

"Now here's a new face, you must be Aster Boyet." 

"That would be me, sorry I'm running late" I said  

"Oh no it's fine, I've got your timetable here and a map of the school, I'll need you to come back at the end of the day to pick up some paperwork for your parents but apart from that we're all good." 

I picked up the pieces of paper and turned to go. 

"By the way, I love your accent, it's so elegant" she added. 

"Uh thanks" I replied awkwardly. Great, American people and their weird obsession with British accent, today is going to be amazing.

I took a look at my timetable, English, then I found the building and room it was in on the map and began to walk slowly. Eventually I found the right classroom, I could do this, I had nothing to be scared about. Without another thought I pushed open the door.

About 20 pairs of eyes turned to stare at me. Only now did I realise how out of place I looked, with my long wet hair and flushed face. It felt like an eternity of staring, like I was a new animal at the zoo. I was saved by the teacher's words, however; 

"Ah, you must be out new student, Aster I'm guessing" 

I nodded in response. 

"Well you can take that seat over there, next to Jessica." 

I made my way awkwardly over to where there was an empty seat and sat down, aware of the eyes still trailed on me.

"Alright everyone, let's get back to what we were doing, who can tell me about what Austen meant in the passage," the class continued, though people still looked over at me throughout the period. 

They were learning about Jane Austen's Emma, a book I had already read, in-fact I had read all the books on the reading list, as at Hogwarts there weren't any English, Maths or Science lessons (apart from potions) some parents of wizarding children got tutors so that there child would be well versed in a lot of muggle studies that would be useful in everyday life. 

Luckily,  I had always had a tutor and worked quite frequently throughout holidays, meaning that she knew quite a lot of the things that this school would teach.

The lesson was quite boring but I got to know Jessica a bit, she'd lived in this small town her whole life, her parents owned the bakery and she was an only child. A boy from my English class, Eric, showed me the way to my Chemistry class- which was basically muggle potions. The morning was pretty uneventful, I sat next to a boy called Mike in History and in Spanish I sat next to Jessica again. After Spanish, Jess and I walked to the cafeteria together and she introduced me to a girl called Angela. 

We sat at a table with Mike, Eric, another boy called Ben,and a girl called Lauren.

It was only only five minutes later when I saw them, when I saw him.

The door to the cafeteria slid, gently, open.

 A short girl with jet black hair and a mouse-like features entered, she rather resembled a pixie or sprite though she had too much of a cool air to be one. 

Attached to her arm was a handsome boy with blonde hair. A muscular boy with dark hair and a girl -who was shockingly beautiful - followed him, I would never have connected these people if it weren't for the fact that all their skin was the exact same shade of pale. 

I was about to turn back to my lunch, when a fifth person entered the room. His eyes were a golden colour, he was lanky yet muscular with a boyish look about him, he too had the same shade of pale and his hair, the untidy brunette with a bronze tint, I could swear I recognised that hair. I couldn't see his face as he kept all eye contact blankly in-front of him, until, as if he knew I would be exactly there. 

We made direct eye contact.

Again- EDWARD/CEDRIC FANFICOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora