Suga whined about how cruel the world was and shuffled his way into the bathroom making dramatic sighs and whining noises. Daichi almost caved, almost, when his brain wandered to the thought of naked Koushi but he knew that there was no way Sara or Kaneko would let them live it down if he was late for that reason. Once he heard the shower turn on, Daichi got to work, pulling on some joggers and beginning the process of cleaning. He threw away all the evidence of the previous night into the bin and made bed before moving to downstairs.

His living room was a mess and he was sure that he would have to buy a new couch at some point. He picked up the clothes, folding Suga's neatly and collecting his into a pile to be washed. He smirked at the turtleneck and made a mental note to go out and buy more, especially if it meant receiving the same response he had previously. He found the condom tucked under the coffee table and held himself back from gagging as he threw it in the bin – he really should have disposed of it the night before. With that done he folded the blanket, laying it on the back of the sofa and removed the stained cushion cover, throwing it with his clothes to be washed later.

Satisfied with the job he'd done, he wandered over to the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee for himself and start making a tea for Suga. The coffee was already started and Daichi was rifling in the back of his cupboard for some tea bags when Suga appeared in the doorway, looking fresher faced but still dressed in a jumper and boxers.

"As stunning as you look right now, I don't think the parents will be willing to hand their children over if you're dressed like that." Daichi chuckled pouring hot water over Suga's tea.

"I can't find any bottoms that'll fit, yours are all too big." Suga whined.

"Well, what are you gonna do?" Daichi asked, handing him his finished cup of tea.

"Take the day off?"

Daichi raised a brow as if to say 'don't test me Suga'.

"I'm kidding I won't. I'll just put my outfit from yesterday on. Is it okay if I keep this jumper for real?"

"Yes of course."

Suga smiled and bounced out of the kitchen into the living room, his left arm swinging by his side whilst his right grasped his tea. Once in the living room, he quickly pulled on his jumpsuit and tugged Daichi's jumper back on over it. Suga wasn't very happy with how loose the outfit was hanging off him but he had no other bottoms and he wasn't about to take Daichi's jumper off. He looked at himself in the hallway mirror and tugged at the clothing, trying to make it sit different but he looked the same. Suga sighed defeated and turned back towards the kitchen, stopping when he saw Daichi staring at him with happy eyes.

"You look so handsome in my jumper." He smiled.

Suga blushed and thanked him, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. They sat at the breakfast bar for a while, sipping their drinks and talking mainly about the previous night but also things that had absolutely no relation. As per usual, Suga found himself talking about his class and all the things he did which made him proud. It was as he was talking about their last craft session that Daichi gasped and gained his attention.

"Shit Suga, the time! You're gonna be late."

Suga glanced over at the clock and his eyes widened, he needed to be in work in seven minutes and the walk was at least fifteen. He scrambled out of his seat, threw his mug in the sink and ran towards the door, pulling on his shoes and checking he had his phone. Daichi ran up behind him, pulling on a shirt as he went and slipping on some shoes.

"Come on I'll drive you then you should get there in time."

The pair rushed out the door and dived into Daichi's car like his house was on fire. Suga was never late, in fact he was usually early, the idea of being late made him feel sick and he knew he was only going to get teased by Kaneko. His leg bounced restlessly as Daichi drove, despite it being a short distance and the roads being relatively clear. Suga was anxious to a ridiculously degree and he couldn't believe that after all the years he'd been a teacher, he still felt riddled with guilt whenever he let his class down, even if they would never know.

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