Bad news

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I was with my brother and sister when people from the heroics headquarters came in "Fast Forward, Rewind, Athena, you'll need to come with us" one said, and we nodded

I knew what was happening, this isn't the first time we have had to go to the underground stronghold, where the children of superheroes stay while their parents are fighting battles.

Time Jump

When we got there and into the stronghold, we were all fooling around and then noodles whisper shouted "Ms. Granada's coming" 

we all ran to our seats, then Ms. Granada came in with a girl, "everyone, this is Missy, she will be joining you today" she said

"Missy, I'd appreciate it if you would take a seat right there, and quietly continue your studies along with the other children," she said Missy walked over to my sister

"Children, thank you all for respecting my rules, your parents will be very proud when I tell them of your exceptional behavior, well done," she said, she then chuckled softly and left the room

I was doing my work and I saw Noodles stretch over to the door "she's gone" he whispered shouted

we all started cheering and throwing papers around, I have a long list of power, like mind reading, water bending, super speed, contortion, Invisibility, and more, 

so I turned myself invisible and started walking around scaring people, "and this is Athena, wait, where is she?" Wheels said 

"I'm right here," I said and popped up behind him, Missy jumped a little "Sorry if I scared you," I said "it's fine," she said, 

"Athena is named after the goddess of war and wisdom, she has a long list of powers and she is great at solving problem's, sometimes she causes them, but she's still really smart," Wheel's said

"Yeah, all of that's true," I said "that's, awesome," Missy said, "anyway, that kid over there..." Wheel's said, pointing to face-maker "two packs of candy for crossing our eye's" Facemaker said 

"he's Facemaker," I said "he makes the craziest faces" Wheels said "what, he's cheating, I can't compete with that" Noodles said 

he smashed a table, "oh dude" Wheel's said "come on"I said annoyed "Rewind clean up in aisle two" Wheels said, Rewind ran over

"that's Rewind, he can rewind time but just a few seconds" Wheels explained, he winded us back to before Noodles broke the table, and I ran over and Rewind and I moved the table

then Facemaker brought over an exercise ball, Noodles popped the ball and sent Facemaker flying across the room, but he caught the rope before he hit the wall

Fast forward, skipped like a whole conversation, "they're triplets, it's crazy right?" Wheels said

I rolled my eye's "what triplets, what are you talking about" Missy asked "Fast Forward" I said, "Fast forward are you at it again?" Wheels asked

"you were talking so long, so I skipped you forward a bit, sorry not sorry," she said, Wheel's rolled his eye's and looked at Missy 

"Fast Forward, Athena, and Rewind are triplets, Fast Forward and Rewind have opposite powers," Wheels said "yeah, the only thing they agree on is that they don't like each other," I said

"at all," Rewind and Fast forward said in unison "so Athena's tolerance powers come in handy here and at home, but they're triplets, it's crazy right?" Wheel's said, 

"and then there's our fearless leader, Wild card," Wheel's said "just like Athena there's not a power in the world he doesn't have," Wheels said "no there are some powers I don't have," I said

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