The Curse of Alexandros The Jaded

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Alexanderos The Jaded was cheated by his wife and although he took another he thought himself to be laughed at in secret for being taken advantage of by a woman. Full of wrath, he sought out a great beast for which to slay to regain the respect he thought he had lost. His wrath blinded him and in a dark hase, unable to see the consequences of his actions he slew a silver doe, quick of hoof and soft of pelt which was sacred to the goddess of the hunt; Artemis. The goddess enraged by his actions came down from the heavens to punish the foolish man, "Alexanderos Calimeris! How dare you slay one of my silver does! And for nothing but egotistical rage for something you have done yourself countless times. Even more disgusting is that you are not so much heartbroken your wife laid with another but you find it shameful a woman did something without your knowledge!" Calimeris shook in his boots not daring to say a word but it did not smooth the goddess' anger. "For your crimes I will put curse on you and your line, starting from the children you have had with your second wife. One of your descendants each generation will always have the same blinding rage while killing this innocent doe and whilst they are enraged they will become a monster as you are. As you had done they will also always seek respect yet never truly receive it!" Then Artemis raised her hands to her brother's sun and it was so. Alexanderos scrambled away from the angry goddess, even though he had already gotten his curse.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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