Chapter Two : Twin Brothers

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The red head was surrounded by papers, they where everywhere. On his bedside table, the chair facing his bed, and his whole bed was  covered in papers too.

Upon closer look, the papers were musical sheets, filled with notes and words. They were songs the young boy wrote.

When he applied to his university, he was called a genius, his songs were on par with those that professionals wrote. He has never received any formal music education, he was self taught, as he often wrote songs for his brother to sing for him.

Unfortunately as the boys health was crumbling down after being fine for a few days , he had to withdraw from the university, but the teachers didn't want to loose such a bright child, so they agreed with the school board, to let him attend using video calls. He could participate, as the teachers made sure to call him on a certain program, so he wouldn't miss school.

Whenever inspiration hit him, he would write several songs, but after his high wore off, he would only choose a few, the leftover ones were put away in a box and stored on his small bookshelf.

He was currently in the hospital, he had a private room, with an additional small wardrobe and a bookshelf, as he often stayed for weeks if not months. If someone didn't know, they would assume it was a normal room, but what made the room clearly a hospital one, was the sterilized hospital bed, with the usual medical equipment around.

The young red haired boy suffered from a respiratory illness, whitch made him susceptible to dust, air pressure, stress and even flower pollen or pet hair. His room was constantly cleaned by the nurses and had air conditioning on even in winter, so that the room wouldn't get stuffy.

He spent a lot of time in this hospital room over the years, one could even say he stayed there more than he did at home in his whole life. So over the years, his room gained a few small decorations, that gave off the owners personality. He couldn't keep a lot of things there though, anything that would collect dust wasn't allowed.

The young boy sat on the hospital bed, writing on a pice of paper, placed on his portable desk. He was so endorsed in it, he didn't even hear someone knocking on the door, until the person spoke up as it slid open.

"Riku, I'm here!" The pink haired teen called out, whitch made the read head flinch as he wasn't expecting that.

"Tenn-nii!" he yelled as the other boy entered the room. His excitement was spilling out of him, he completely dropped what he was doing to greet his brother.

"Riku, you shouldn't scatter paper around like that" Tenn said, as he took off his jacket and scarf, it was still the middle of march, although it wasn't as cold, it wasn't hot either.

"Ah." the red haired boy said, as he finally realized that papers wers everywhere. He frantically picked up the ines from his bed and placed them on the bed stand. He tried to get out of his bed, but was stopped by the older boy.

"Riku, stay in bed." he said as he picked up the papers that fell off the bed and those from the chair next to the window. "It isn't good for you to be around on your feet this ealry, i can pick those up for you."

"Ok." Riku straightened himself back in his bed, he didn't like it that much, but he had no choice. His brothers words were absolute.

"So, was this another one of your episodes?" Tenn questioned as he sat down on the chair, looking at the music sheets in his hands. There were quite a few of them.

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