chapter 2

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After looking around for a few seconds , I felt a sudden sharp pains on my upper back, head and butt. I push it to the side when I noticed a little girl laying on my lap. 

I didnt say anything to her at first but kept looking around and when i noticed I was no where where I fell I decided to wake her. 

"Hey sweetie can you wake up for me please?" All she did was groan and look up at me. "Mommy?" she whispered. "Where are we?" 

'Mommy?' I thought this isnt right ive never had a child that i know of I have no family or friends. The only person I call family is my cat. 

"Are you okay? Let me see you." I spun her around checking for injury, when i found none besides seeing a long tail and ears which I might add was weird. "Whats your name little one?" 

She looked at me in shock and sadly whispered "Its me Haru. Do you not remember me?" Then it clicked, we were not in the same world as before. No, this one was far different than I have ever read about. 

"Oh okay do you remember what happened?" she shook her head and then looked at me and smiled. I watched as she reached out to me and started petting my head, then I felt it. I too had ears. The next thing I know after was a strong stench that made us both cover our noses. It made me feel really weak. I couldnt even stand up. I looked toward the entrance and seen a light come in and i instinctively stood up and pushed my now new child behind my back and growled deep from my gut. I didnt know I could do that.

"Woah! There's someone here. Hurry!" Said an unknown deep voice. 

I pushed back with Haru at the intruder and got ready to fight if I had to. The man came closer to me and I could make out red hair. Then another guy came in with yellow hair. Both wearing some kind of uniform. I definatly wasnt in the same world anymore, or time.

"Hey are you hurt we seen a very bright light from inside here back at the castle." the red head asked. I growled again this time louder. "Woah we wont hurt you. If it helps i can tell you my name?. My name is Eijiro Kirishima and this is Denki Kaminari and that over there is Tenya Iida."

I thought i was going crazy until i felt a tug on my... tail?

I lowered my head "where are we? and why do you not also have ears and tails?" I spit out.

"Cause we are dragons?" The yellow head i assume is Denki questioned like I was stupid. After that the red head whos name was Kirishima smacked him on the back of the head.

"Come with us, Omega. Let us take you somewhere that little one can eat." Said a new voice walking into the entrance. "My name is..." "Iida" I spit out as he looked shocked. "wait omega?" I whispered and looked at Haru. " Thats you secondary gender, am I wrong? Wait did you come with a rock like tablet?" I shook my head "How did you know?" 

"Cause we all came here like that" Kirishima spoke. I suddenly felt a wave of pain overcome me and yelped as I feel to the ground. "Oh no, Shes in heat we need to get her to the castle now Kirishima grab her and get to the horse. Kaminari grab the child. 

"Heat? Like as in an animal going into heat but Im a human.. Ahhh" I screamed I wasin so much pain I felt like my insides were on fire. "Im going to help you okay... uhh?" The red head spoke up "Angel'' I said right before passing out.

I woke up to a new place here we go again I thought

++++++++ Author note++++++++++++

I could not think of a name so im using my own. Also sorry for the delay I lost the cord to my computer. Also Im trying to do these much faster and they may be errors until i finish the book and go back through them. This is also my first time publishing a book before. 

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