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Start from the beginning

I just stared at her with my widened blue round eyes

"H-hi!" She said

"domo.." I said

"Why are you here alone?? :(" she said with a pout

"I have a weak presence which people ignores me like just a unimaginable normal person" I said

That's when it hit me..

how did she see me?

Does she have a weak presence like me?

Was it because.. of her eyes??

"ohh I see!" She said

"but I totally just saw you reading here so.. I just ran here" She said with a goofy smile

I smiled too

"What are you reading??" She said then sat next to me

When she sat beside me Her eyes are really glistening


We talked and talked the whole day until our parents told us to come home

"Ne Kuruko-kun.." She with her hands like this '👉👈'

"Let's do a pinky promise! Let's promise to meet here every day!" She said with her pinky pointing at me

I smiled

"Sure" I said and we putted our pinkies together

Her hands are really soft

We left in different directions

We both glanced at our backs to see if we don't see our presence

Turns out we did an eye contact

She smiled and I smiled back


Everday we would meet eachother in the same place and the same spot

We would sometimes get ice-cream

I remember when we bought ice-creams She had chocolate ice-cream while I had Vanilla

We both had ice-cream in our faces

We giggled at our appearance

She wiped my face with her handkerchief and she wiped her face...

with the same handkerchief..

Does this count as an indirect kiss?

Am I blushing right now?

The vanilla ice-cream is good..

that's when I realized...

I have..

Fallen for her..


We had made so many memories together

This went on until it was her 7th birthday

We met eachother at the tree and I saw her in a floral dress

We met eachother at the tree and I saw her in a floral dress

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𝙺𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚘 𝚗𝚘 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢+𝚘𝚌Where stories live. Discover now