A Crimbo Tagrol

30 0 24

I got taggeD by MiguelsFan69420 

Yep, real original.... 

If you're going to put the funny number in your username, at least try to make it funny, dim wit. 

Also, apparently there's new rules for this thing. 

Also also, until I can actually find out how to get the new picture into this, there's gonna be a placeholder video. 

Don't judge me, I like the anime and the opening. 

And yes Fluffy, this is THAT anime. 

(kinda realized that without the picture, the only way to know what the questions are is to look at how I answer the questions, so.... just look at the comment on this) 

1. I was kinda just browsing through Google Images for something to put as a profile picture for school, and I saw this kinda cool drawing thing, and then I saw that it went to a wattpad link, and I thought, "Well, why the heck not?" and so I clicked and read it. Here we are. 

2. 10 minutes in and I already both hate this and can't think of a clever way to hide it. Oh wait, I have an idea! I can hide it in capital letters that don't fit in their context.  Here's a hint: they're in order. 

3. Beaner10  

I think they're the "follow for a follow" type Of person. 



I do not, nor do I plan to have a special... specific..... uhhhh...... significant other. How did I forget that. 

5. Gemini. 

6. See number 4. 

7. I hate the actual colored picture emojis, but the typed ones are nice. My favorite is the :\ face. 

8. I.... don't actually consider anyone to be my best friend. There were people at school I did try to talk with, but they were mostly just to pass the time between clAsses, and I don't think I've seen any of those people at all since the pandemic started. There are people I talk to online (I'm looking at all of you idiots), but I feel like they should know my real name before I start to consider them friends, and we all know that's not happening anytime soon. This isn't some sort of pity thing, I just blame the system for asking me to write this. 

9. I usually just think of a few random words and sometimes numbers to mash together, like, let's say, firebones1244 and fishnugget, so I just went with the first 2 words to pop in my mind that sounded stupid together. And then I decided to make them even more stupid by misspelling them in horrible ways. 

10. I played the trombone. I played King's Flourish, Colliding Dreams, and another song I can't remember, but I most definitely can not play it because I don't actually have a trombone and I forgot the notes. 

11. Oh, I hate multiple things. Colored picture emojis, dabs, CheesyMeanieChris, myself, teamers in multiplayer video games... in no particular order. 

12. ......This is tough. 

I kinda got over my mild fear of needles, I do sometimes watch scary videos which spook me, but they just float by within a few days. Ummmmm....... 


...ok, so after a few searches on Google, I found nyctophobia. Nyctophobia is a phobia of what could or would happen in a dark environment.......... Ok, it's a fear of the dark. It might not be severe, but I am definitely afraid of it. Let's go with that

13. Ok, the rules don't say that daydreams are not part of dreams, so hear me out. When daydreaming or trying to go to sleep (I don't have dreams often, and I usually forget them anyways), I think of ideas, jokes and skits for this Terraria fanfic in my head. It's the closest thing I have to a dream in the "drifting mind" defiNition, and I personally think it's really cool. Unfortunately, I think that people might not like it and/or I might stop wanting to work on it *cough* Jotaro Gets Drunk *cough*, which causes me to not want to make it. I've tried asking some people if I should write it, but I don't think I got a straight answer. You probably know where I'm going with this, so let's just get to the point. I just want to know if I should write it or not. 

14. Don't think I had any. 

15. Oh boy, it's that time again... 
















I'm finally done. And just in time for Crimbo! Woooooooooooooooooooooo. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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