Last Resort

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Nadeen woke to see she was in a hospital bed. Competing with the sound of her heart rate & vitals monitor, was the sound of Chester sitting in the windowsill playing a game on his phone.

"Oh good, you're awake. How are you feeling?"

Nadeen didn't answer him. She just gave him a glare.

After Chester gave the nurses his information, something didn't sit well with him about the brunette's demeanor. It would bother him all night if she was released and went home to do this all over again, or even worse.

Chester knew what it was like going through a rough patch in life. He knew better than most people. While he still has a lot of healing to do himself, he found comfort in helping Nadeen. The vocalist stayed out in the waiting room looking for Jay to show up. He never did. So, Chester took it upon himself to go outside and call him.

"NRG this is Kathy..."

"Kathy, get me through to Jay right now. No bullshit." Chester snapped, but he wasn't aiming his frustrations at the receptionist.

"O-okay, one moment."

"This is Jay..."

"Jay have you not received my messages?"

"Oh, about Nadeen?"

"Yes! She's in the fucking hospital. Where are you?"

"Good. That's where she belongs. She did this to herself. Don't waste another minute of your time there , Chester. Thanks for all you've done."

"Jay... that's your family. Nadeen needs you."

"No she doesn't. I suggest you listen to me when I say, once again, Nadeen did this to herself. If you hadn't of found her today-"

"She was waiting to have lunch with you!"

"I knew she wasn't going to eat. I was just seeing if she had the strength to leave her apartment. I threatened to send authorities over there hours ago..."

"So you knew something was wrong with her?"

"Son, there's always something wrong with her. It's exhausting. Like I said, don't waste your time. She did this to herself. That's what she gets for the situation she's in. I've got to go. Please know I'll make this right with you by letting you schedule time in the studio at no cost."

"You're heartless." Chester muttered as he hung up the phone.

He then called his soon-to-be ex-wife Talinda.



"Where are you? You were supposed to say goodbye to the kids before they go to Arizona for the break."

"I know and I'm so sorry. I'll FaceTime them when they get to Mom's tonight. Listen I'm at Southside Memorial, downtown."

"Oh my God! Are you alright?! Did you have an accident?"

"No... no... I'm fine... I'm fine. I just... um.. I brought a friend here. They're in pretty rough shape."

"That's you... always helping someone. Don't forget to refill your meds this weekend. I'm on my way to the airport to meet the girls. We'll be in Lake Tahoe for the next 5 days, but call if you need anything."

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