
16 0 1

"Hey!" She called to me with a soft smile forming. She was quickly walking towards my car with a hop in each step. I looked passed her to see a small blanket next to a river in nearly the middle of nowhere. Normally a situation like this would be more unsettling but I couldn't think anything like that after seeing a blanket with drinks and small snacks on it.

I hurried to get out of my car making sure to leave it unlocked.. just in case. I flashed a smile before being swept into a tight hug. I was caught a little off guard but still hugged her just as eagerly.

"Hii!" I said happily. We exchanged simple greetings and made our way to the blanket next to the river. As I lowered myself to sit all my nerves washed away and I relaxed a little letting myself loosen up. I watched her pull out more food and a small box with a flower on it. A hint of mischief in her eyes told me exactly what was in the box. She shoved it over to me with a lift of her eyebrow. I laughed under my breath while pulling a lighter out of my pocket and a joint out of the box and lighting it. I gazed into the trees behind the river as I was taking a couple hits.

I could feel her eyes on me, taking a hit and handing it off finally making eye contact. I caught her looking at me with doughy eyes but she didn't look away, we just sat in a moment of silence before I smirked and picked up my drink to take a sip. "You look really nice in the sunlight" she stumbled out with pauses between some words. Even though I couldn't see it I could tell she was blushing a little. I thanked her but of course I had to have a bit of fun. "Are you flirting with me Odessa?" I said teasingly knowing how she would react. She let her eyes widen for a second before returning to her calmed state before letting words out. "Mm don't flatter yourself yet Evergreen, you'll know if I'm flirting" I nod turning to my drink in my hands with a soft smile holding back a small giggle. "Yet" I say still looking at my drink now letting a chuckle out.

Minutes passed of laughing and casual conversation slowly turning into jumbled words and confused laughter as the joint got smaller. After some silence Odessa pulled another joint out and lit it. She let out a long sigh. I shift my gaze to look at her questioningly. She looked into my eyes for a second with a look of contemplation before opening her mouth. "You wanna go for a swim?" A bit taken back I responded with the first thing that came to mind "I didn't bring a bathing suit.." Odessa looked at me like I had just said the dumbest thing she had ever heard. Standing up with a light jog towards the river she turned to yell to me "Who said anything about swim suits!" As she was running she stumbled out of her clothes leaving her in her bra and underwear. I laughed loudly before placing the joint between my lips to hold and pulling my clothes off as well. Odessa had already jumped into the water when I got down to ease myself into the river. Odessa was floating over to a deep spot across the river and I was following close behind. We settled inches away from each other passing the joint back and forth taking in the beautiful surroundings of nature. Again I could feel Odessa's eyes laying on me while I was watching the trees flow slightly with the June wind. I chuckled whilst moving to meet her eyes but this time only for a second before she snaps away. I smile to myself. "Try not to fall to hard Odessa" I say mockingly. She scoffs before letting out a snarky remark "You know Evergreen I think you flatter yourself all to much" I curl my lips into a smirk. "Really cause I think ur drooling" I reply holding in a laugh. Her hand flys to her mouth only to realize I was joking, then I couldn't help but let out a large laugh which quickly turned into both of us laughing in our high state. Our laughs suddenly silence when she moves closer. My heart drops a little when she is only inches from my face with her hand rested on my thigh under the water. My breathing shallowed along with hers. I felt the warmth of her body against mine under the water as I watched her eyes dart between mine and my lips. I took a deep breath to gather myself frozen with anticipation. Still I kept a small smile on my face. Her smile dropped slightly as she looked at me, in the moment an understanding of trust rose between us. To see that this person might be more important than I ever could have anticipated. Odessa leaned in and my heart rate fastened, and just as I was about to pull her waist into mine without a second thought. She plucked the joint I had forgotten was in between fingers and placed in between her lips. She smiled with satisfaction at my changed demeanor by her touch alone. "Well no one likes a hog" she backed up now at least a foot away. My body temperature dropped instantly now that she had moved away. I frowned at her. "you're insufferable Odessa Lowenstien" I say with a forced chuckle. She nods in agreement before taking another hit from the joint. I made my way to the other side of the river and pulled myself out. Odessa close behind to do the same. The sun was setting and the wind picking up as we packed up and got ready to leave. Before getting in my car I looked her way to smile "See you later Lowenstien, try not to think of me to much while we're apart" I called out. "Can't promise anything." I rolled my eyes with a larger smile forming. "Bye Evergreen" I got in my car and drove away with my windows down with the song "Pretty Brown Eyes" playing in the background. I smiled to myself while driving think of the previous event. I pulled into my drive way a jumped in bed thoughts running all about what had just happened and what it meant. Eventually I drifted into a dreamless sleep for once.

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