Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

“Sorry, dear. Those kinds of no-tell-motels are across the bridge on the bad side of town.” 

Why did everyone keep saying bad? Bad people. Bad side of town. 

Pushing the glass door open, she stepped back outside. She didn’t need to sleep, but her body needed to recharge, and if she stayed awake too long it would drain her energy. Since she was on the run, that wasn’t ideal. She needed to find a place to rest for the night. She also needed to find a change of clothes. 

Follow your instincts. 

Kaitlyn walked, letting her feet take her wherever they wandered. Off the main highway and deep into a residential part of town, she passed colorful Spanish-themed houses with brilliant green lawns beneath the spray of sprinklers. 

She had been wandering for two hours when a wave of familiarity washed over her. She had been here before. The sun had set and the street lights came to life. 

She turned left down Green Street and walked to the end of the cul-de-sac. Without a thought, she came to a stop in front of a large, white stucco home. The porch light was on, and lamps glowed from several windows. She stared at the wooden swing on the porch, and images flashed before her—sitting on the swing with her parents, and later, with Evan. This house had been her home. Her body tingled with excitement. Her parents were behind the door. 

She fought the urge to run up the stairs and ring the doorbell. It would be cruel to come back from the dead. Her parents would never understand. Her excitement quickly turned to overwhelming sadness. 

Kaitlyn hung her head and spun on the ball of her foot, leaving without a single glance back. 

On autopilot, Kaitlyn took a left down Sanders and a right down Oakwood Drive. Evan. Her body was pulling her to Evan. She wanted to resist, but her feet kept moving forward. Just one peek. She wanted to see him, she had to, and then she would leave. 

She was watching the pavement, lost in her own thoughts, when she heard laughter. She looked up to find a couple walking toward her—a blond-haired guy and a beautiful blonde girl. 

Kaitlyn’s body revved up, and just as quickly her body stabilized as her sensors overrode the fight or flight impulse. 


Her eyes met his, and she forced her face to stay blank. 

“Cassidy?” His voice was incredulous. He abruptly let go of the woman and stepped forward. 

Cassidy. Not only had the IFICS taken her old life, they had given her a new name.

“Excuse me?” Kaitlyn pulled her hat down lower. 

He was silent for a long time; his girlfriend shifting uncomfortably behind him, and Kaitlyn in front, standing still, her heart hammering. 

“I’m sorry.” He shook his head, his face pale. “You look like someone I once knew.”

Kaitlyn covertly scanned Evan and was surprised to see he had a wedding band on his left hand. She glanced over at the blonde, discovering that she wore a matching band. Kaitlyn gritted her teeth; he hadn’t wasted any time moving on. She kept her face expressionless.

“It’s uncanny, really. The resemblance.” Evan’s face looked pained. “It’s like seeing a ghost.” 

The blonde woman came up and grabbed his hand, squeezing it. “Sorry, sweetie,” she said. Addressing Kaitlyn, she added, “He lost someone once. Any girl with dark hair and your build always stops him in his tracks.”

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