{Chapter 103}

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Xander's POV:

It was close to a disaster.

I had never seen Catheline this nervous. The days fluttered by and soon there was only one day before the arrival of my good father. It was a cheerful prospect to see my extended family, but I was more frightened to see what Catheline's father would say he learned about all of this ordeal.

I talked to Vincent about it who already gave up his pretense. "He possibly knows. And he might not be forgiving towards her Grace." 

It wouldn't be that bad, right? Matthew Starlyn loved his daughter too much. Perhaps that was more of a reason to be angry with her. The problem wasn't her resolve; it was the consequences. And they were too much.

"Make sure their troops reach right where the rest of our army is located," I told Nathaniel, who nodded.

The three of us were near the summer house and felt a certain doom hovering over us. Someone was going to be hurt. And he already had many things going on in his mind. The upcoming war, the safety of the men I had sent to the enemy's camp. Only two days ago, he met with their families and reassured them. Even if I was not sure myself.

"A total of twenty thousand shall be added," Vincent spoke. "In warfare, having too many men to lead can be a disadvantage, Your Majesty."

That was the same advice I was told over the last few months. And I can't help but agree. Even if I had my plans, it didn't involve risking the lives of many people. What I wanted to achieve in the end was peace. And revenge.

"The time for our spies is up," Nathaniel reminded me again. "And if we don't hear anything about them-"

"We will," I cut him off. "I trust them enough to hope that they will survive."

Nathaniel nodded, a little flustered. "I would be very much glad if all five of them returned." 

I sighed and agreed. All of them were extremely capable and excelled in their fields. They were invaluable as soldiers and possibly as friends. I never had a chance to make some. And if all of them did return unharmed, I was prepared to let them stay back, part of the city's defense.

"I must apologize for that incident," Vincent piped up, looking down. I raised an eyebrow, trying to understand what he was saying. "I failed to protect the Queen properly. Even if that was what I came here for."  

I slumped back onto the couch, assessing him more adequately. Even if I wanted to know more about the details of what happened that day, I didn't dare to ask. But there was something more that I wanted to ask of him.

"The twins," I pointed, causing him to look at me. "You trained them?"

Vincent paused before nodding. "Apologies if they have offended you in some way. Mannerless goats they both are,"

I bit back laughter and shook my head. "Fine warriors. Both of them. One thoughtful and the other ruthless," and then the other question lingered in my head. "Have you...Have you trained Catheline too?" 

It was something I wanted to ask my wife in person. But looking at her anxious state, I decided against it. I didn't want to trouble her further.

"The Queen was only trained by her father and some expert soldiers, Your Majesty," Vincent replied. "She had special training rooms all to herself. Even if she very much wanted to train with the rest of the soldiers."

"How exemplary was her Grace at archery?" Nathaniel piped. And then he gave me a respectful look, asking for approval. Which I did give. It just seemed that his respect for Catheline was overflowing like water out of a vessel.

The Lonely Warrior QueenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora