{Chapter 98}

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Catherine's POV:

I woke up to the soft chirping of birds. And in my hands were letters. The letters that Xander sent me. He explained how he couldn't just wait to meet me again. I felt so pleased and upset at the same time that I fell asleep holding them.

I sighed, resting my hand over my head before sitting up. It was still dark since the night hadn't ended. I looked over to the empty side of the bed sadly. I missed him.

It has been two weeks since he left. And he would stay there for yet another week. I put the letters on his pillow and fell back onto the bed, closing my eyes.

"I think I might be obsessed with your lips," I remembered him teasing me.

"Shut up and let me sleep..." I groaned back, turning away.

It was yet another one of our beautiful nights when we spent most of it talking about ourselves. My heart was aching and tears almost escaped me. I pushed the blankets aside, concluding that I wouldn't be able to sleep.

I walked over to the window and opened it, observing the stars. Summer was already on our doorstep. The flowers were in full bloom, looking lovely in the garden. A small part of me hoped that by next year at this time...

I brushed the strands of my hair away from my face before resting my hands on the window's edge. It was folly for me to think about a silly future instead of worrying about the present.

As I expected, the problem with the wheat was more severe than I expected. According to Vincent, the merchant had disappeared the day after delivery. He inquired to conduct a secret search and I obliged. It was better to deal with the situation more appropriately than worry my husband over it.

A knock on the door caused me to flinch. I moved toward the door and opened it before sighing in relief.

"You gave me a fright, Karra!" I mumbled, opening the door for her to enter.

She wore her nightgown. Her hair was tied into a bun over her head. She looked tired but terrified.

"Sir Vincent had returned," she informed, her eyebrows strained. "And he's not alone,"

The audience chamber was hastily lit as I walked in, wearing a dress robe. Lucy was present too, lighting the furnace and standing up.

"Your Grace," Sir Vincent bowed. "Forgive me for disturbing you at such an hour---"

"Keep the formalities aside," I interrupted, glancing at the cloaked figure suspiciously. From the outline, it seemed like a woman.

The woman looked up before bowing gracefully. She was a person with manners so...

"This is Miss Audrey," Sir Vincent explained, glancing at her. "She is the merchant you wished for me to talk to,"

I told them to take their seat on the settee while I sat on the one opposite it. Both of them must have traveled tediously. But when Vincent began explaining, my head was swirling in a mixture of emotions.

A few weeks ago, some men arrived at Lady Audrey's house and kidnapped her son while she wasn't present. At first, she was ready to pay the ransom but she decided to report it to the royal guards who were patrolling the night.

"The scum had sent her a fistful of her child's hair to threaten her," Vincent sighed, resting his hand on his lap.

Lady Audrey choked a sob while looking at her feet. What happened was such a disastrous and horrendous act. Threaten someone with their child? I clenched my fists and straightened my posture.

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