{Chapter 8}

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Catheline's POV:

"Truly?..." Karra asked me, her voice twirling in shock.

We had left the hallway and Lady Daraa seemed to have kept her word. I did not find Winona when I exited the hall. I and Karra were in the royal library. On the way there, I could not help but divulge to her all the things that happened in that room.

"You heard me," I said and caressed the smooth blue velvet cushioned chair.

"Maybe...something is about to happen tonight," she said, giving me an odd look.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Did she expect another attack or something else? She smirked evilly before walking forward.

"Maybe, tonight will be the special night between you and the King,"

I could not stop the warmth from spreading across my face. Just imagining her words was enough for me to beg my mind to stop imagining.

Karra was just seventeen years of age and yet, she spoke so shamelessly about this issue. She never lacked mischief.

I had no idea about intercourse, though I was told about it a week before I was married. The woman had told me so much information that I ran out of the room that day. But now...

"I guess..." I sighed, holding my cheeks. "That would not be so bad,"

"This is your happiness we are speaking of, Your Grace," she puffed and pulled up a determined fist. "You need to go and snatch it!"

"But does my husband think in the same way?" I questioned, making her calm down. Her downcast look was the best answer. "He does not like me. He would never bring himself to..."

We stayed in silence and I let my thoughts take control of me. It was not such a terrible idea to get closer to Xander. After all, we were husband and wife. I was never the type of dreaming about a handsome man to be my husband but after seeing Xander, I knew I did not need to.

He did not lack anything. All expect emotions. But I did like to see him blush. He looked... mesmerizing when he did that the last time---

My thoughts came to an abrupt halt. Last time. The words he spoke to me came rushing back to my memories. He told me to not have any hopes for him. He hinted that he might never fall in love with me. The least I could ask from him was a mutual understanding and a reasonable relationship.

"Forget about all the bad thoughts, Your Grace," I heard Karra say. When I looked up, she looked quite cheerful again. "With your charms, who would not fall for you?"

I had to blush at her words and dismiss them quickly. "I am never the most beautiful on earth, Karra,"

"But certainly, you are one of them,"

Xander's POV:

The man did not speak a word. He was just as quiet as the walls that surrounded us in this dark chambers.

"You are going to tell me who is this man you serve, Vilen," I asked for the umpteenth time, looking at the man.

He simply smiled. And did not say a word. It had been going on for quite some time now. They refused to say a word except for an insult or a threat.

"Your other two companions are going to die if you remain quiet. Would you want that?"

"We swore to obey the rightful King. It does not matter if you kill them," He replied, his face as dead as a corpse already.

"Nathaniel, come in,"

The man quickly entered from the outside and stood beside me. The longer I stood there, the more patience I lost. It was important to keep calm now.

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