{Chapter 33}

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Xander's POV:

After two days of journey, we finally reached the estate of Daven. The house was based in the southernmost of Anthreal and was filled with greenery. It made me glad to see how the recent occurring in the capital hadn't affected the entire kingdom.

Since it had been a while since I had traveled around, it gave me a foreign feeling. The last time I ventured to Anthreal was when I was crowned King, that too ton order to know the situation of the people more adequately.

Along with Nathaniel, I also brought six other guards. Two were to further assure my safety, two were due to the nagging and the last two were because of Catheline. Seeing how much she cares for me was adorable. It was hard to get her out of my mind. Though a part of me was afraid for her safety, I had to believe that she would be fine.

The mansion was grand and huge and yet, so solemn. There were no guards or anyone around. Desolated. Devasted.

"How imprudent. Shall I go and announce your arrival, Your Majesty?" Nathaniel asked me, as he approached me.

"There is no need for that," I told him calmly. Knowing the influence of grief, forgiving such a blunder was the least I could do.

I ordered the others to stay outside and wait for me while I went inside with Nathaniel. This should be quick. No dinners, no chatting, or anything else. I wanted to talk with the dying man and listen to what he had to say.

After being greeted formally by the guards, I finally approached the main hall. The people there looked very depressed and I offered my condolences. It seems that the old man was a well-adored figure in his family.

There was Reed Daven, his son, who was supposedly taking over his title. But for now, he seemed to be quite sad to discuss anything about the future. After a few exchanges, I was finally escorted to meet the elderly Duke.

When the door opened, I quickly noticed how dark the room was. Today wasn't exactly a sunny day and the closed curtains made it even darker. I asked Nathaniel to stay outside and closed the door.

I turned around to see an aged and frail man lying on the bed, with his eyes closed. There was a chair beside the bed, which I assumed was for me. I took a deep breath and approached him.

The last time I saw him, he was all fine and healthy. How did things escalate so far? Even if I shared no connection with this man, I still cared for my people. It was enough to find loyalty in men and Aris Davan had proved himself wrong in every assumption. He had been loyal from the beginning.

"Your Majesty?..." A calm voice brought my attention back to reality.

The man looked at me, his eyes squinting. I hurriedly approached him and sat down on the chair. He seemed to have no more energy left to move. That was a sign of his end.

I saw death many times but seeing a man dying of an old age naturally amazed me. Especially in a world like this, no one knew what would happen next.

"My apologies for...asking you to ride down south..." He spoke, breathing deeply.

"I don't blame you, Duke Daven..."

"Please call me Aris...It would make a glad," he requested.

I paused before nodding in agreement. I was near someone's deathbed and had no idea what to do. I have never been in such a kind of situation. But it was expected of me to be as fulfilling and considerable as possible. That much, I knew.

"You grew up, Your Majesty...You're no longer that boy who played along in the gardens..." Aris said, smiling faintly.

I stared at him, wondering how my past had been. After toiling through years of hard work and unease, it was hard for me to imagine myself as a carefree and happy child.

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