Chapter 90

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Diane didn't even bother jumping up on the truck as they started moving. I was glad that she planned to jog most of the day. Todd climbed off the trailer roof to start jogging. That action was earning him a great many odd and disbelieving looks.

Amber was riding her horse beside Diane and me. She also had an incredulous expression as she watched Todd. Amber noticed my questioning look and shook her head, "Todd never jogs. He usually picks the easier tasks that don't require effort. His horse is barely ever ridden since it is easier to nap on top of a trailer or drive a truck. I doubt he can actually jog a kilometer without collapsing, regardless of how hard he tries. I think Diane's coffee might have fried his brain..."

I examined Todd, he was full of energy. I tilted my head as I examined an idea and rolled it around. We had lots of greens left from this morning, enough for lunch. There wasn't any sense in picking more at the moment since they would be wilted by the time we stopped for supper. We had all afternoon to pick greens. I was somewhat bored and felt like having a bit of fun.

We would be on the road with this group for several days yet and it might be nice to have someone to play with. There weren't any kids in this group, but Todd acted more like a 12 year old than a young adult. He was the youngest one in the group, both physically and in behavior. He may act like the older kids I occasionally played with, but at his age, he should be much faster.

I took a deep breath to build up my courage and resolution. Diane glanced at me, somehow picking up my nerves. I gave her a quick grin before I jogged forward and snuck up behind Todd. Todd was oblivious as he chatted with someone on horseback beside him.

Once their conversation was over, I darted past him and tapped his elbow as I went by, "Tag! You're it!"

"You better run! You won't be able to evade me!" His teasing tone was just as apparent as his loud footsteps.

I glanced back to see him running full tilt after me. With a squeak, I went from a jog into a run as I headed for the grass in the ditch. I didn't use the heat, nor did I actually run full out. Todd was able to mostly keep up.

A quick ninety degree turn had him scrambling to catch back up. His long legs were good on a straight stretch, but that meant his cornering abilities were hampered. We ran around in the long grass as I dodged Todd's numerous attempts to actually catch me.

"Agh! Just missed! If I catch you, I am going to tickle you until you plead for mercy!"

I giggled as I evaded him once again. I had been right, he was much faster than any of the kids I had played with. He sure acted like a kid though. This was fun. I didn't have to hold back nearly as much with Todd as compared to other children. It was almost as if he had Heartfire energy.

A few on the road were snickering at Todd's inability to catch a child. Diane had a smirk and her eyes glimmered as she enjoyed watching me dodge Todd over and over again. I had let the kids tag me, but Todd wanted to tickle me, so I wasn't about to go easy on him.

I wasn't sure why Amber didn't think Todd could jog for a kilometer. He had been running after almost non-stop for over two hours. He was sure panting hard though. I giggled and did a couple of cartwheels, "Come on! Do a cartwheel!"

He groaned, "Do I have to?" He was still trying to catch me, but I darted off again. He paused to rest his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

I giggled and did a few more cartwheels, "Let's do cartwheels! It is easier than running. I bet I can do more cartwheels in a row than you can!"

Todd was a sucker for bets. He stood, "That one I am sure I can win."

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