Chapter 119

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Roland sat across from us as he ate his supper, "So, we stopped at six settlements and all of them are thrilled with the Messengers. Most are sending more letters now that there is a reliable way with a fairly predictable schedule. Considering it is winter, the people practically consider regular communication a miracle."

Ace was sitting on the other side of Diane. He commented, "Any word as to how they are doing?"

Roland nodded, "We also picked up excess trade goods and progress reports that the Messengers had left at a settlement. They haven't encountered any real problems yet and they are doing fine. They are making a pretty good profit considering how far they are traveling on foot. They also relay requests for larger trades to me, which helps me know what to pack in those trailers."

We had several huge storage rooms carved out and they were quite full of various supplies and trade goods. Often if a settlement asked Roland to bring something to them, he could manage it. With the traders new Raider training and ability to see in lightless buildings, we had been able get many supplies that others didn't dare attempt to get on their own.

Roland looked at Diane, "I also got word that those twelve trucks are ready for pickup, so I am heading out there in three days. I am hoping that you and Ace will accompany us. This will give me a chance to see how Todd and Julian can manage the training with Amber's help. But I also want a couple of good fighters along in case any bandits try to ambush us. It hasn't happened yet, but so many trucks with so few people is almost asking for trouble."

Ace glanced at Diane, but she was already looking at me. I looked at Roland. He guessed my question.

"You are certainly welcome to come along Laura."

I was pretty sure I had known the answer since Roland knew that I went everywhere with Diane. Even when she was doing the fighting training, I was in a location where I could see her. I looked up at Diane and she tilted her head at me in a silent inquiry, asking if I wanted to travel in winter.

I nodded and Diane looked at Ace, who also nodded. She turned back to Roland, "I don't see any reason why not. Do we need anything special to travel with the caravan in winter?"

Roland shrugged, "Just pack a really good coat and layer up. The wind as we drive is the worst part, although with the amount we run beside the trucks, we tend to stay pretty warm. You will want to grab a winter sleeping bag as well."

Diane nodded, "How long will we be gone?"

"A week tops. We will certainly be back in time for Christmas. I sent out word to ensure that everyone is back in Sanctuary for the holiday. I also left word of where we will be stopping in case the Messengers want a lift on our way back."

I forgot that Christmas was so close. I already had Diane's present wrapped up and hidden under the desk in her office. I was equally sure she had seen the box, but I knew for a fact that she didn't know what was inside. Diane had been training others when I had quietly tracked down Amber to see if she could ask Roland to pick it up for me. I couldn't wait to give it to her.

The place that made the steam trucks was quite far south. Its name was Steel Crossing and other than a dot and name on Diane's map, we knew nothing about it. We should get there late tonight, but we had two stops to make on the way.

Diane was watching the scenery fly by and I also enjoyed the snowy view. The truck in front had a snowplough on it, which made for easier driving. It also allows the Messengers an easier way to run whenever they came to this highway. Diane stilled beside me and I turned to look directly at her. Her eyes were a bit brighter than normal and I could see something had irritated her slightly.

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