Chapter 48

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The leader in charge asked Mick to give Diane and me a tour since it was our first time here. I simply followed Diane as he showed us around the small encampment. There were only about forty houses and one barn behind the protective walls.

We rejoined the Traders as they sat on benches in the sun, mingling with the townsfolk while waiting for supper. Mick was eyeing up the recurve bow on Diane backpack as it sat at her feet, "That bow looks like it would take some strength to pull."

Diane nodded, "It does, but it can take down a deer if I ever need to."

Diane had let me play around with her bow in the past. I could barely even budge the string. Mick looked curious, "May I try it?"

Diane shrugged, "Go for it."

Mick eagerly picked it up and tried to pull the string back. A funny look crossed his face as he was unable to move the string more than halfway to a full draw. He relaxed his pull and gave Diane an odd look, "You use this regularly?"

Diane didn't seem surprised that he was unable to use her bow and nodded, "I usually practice a few times a week if I haven't been out hunting."

Another man from the village had been watching, "What is the draw weight on that thing?"

"Around 80 pounds if I remember correctly."

He shook his head, "Not likely that high if you can draw it. Pass it here Mick."

We watched as Mick passed it over and the man had his turn to grunt and huff without a successful full draw. He handed the bow to Diane, "Prove you can actually draw this thing."

Diane raised her eyebrow in amusement as she took her bow back. She promptly lined the bow up with a distant tree and pulled the string back behind her ear as if aiming a nonexistent arrow. It hadn't taken her any effort at all to do it either.

She put it back in its holder on her backpack. The two men were wearing astonished looks, while more looked on with interest. Mick's eyes strayed to Diane's other weapons. Her sword and dagger were attached to her belt. "I suppose that you also know how to use your other weapons too."

Diane nodded, "Yes, no sense carrying the extra weight if I can't use it."

I remembered some of Diane's practice sessions. Oh yes, she knew how to use both quite well. She was also good at hand to hand fighting. Mick slowly nodded, accepting her word and not questioning it. She may have let him try her bow, but I knew that she would not hand over her sword.

Supper was bread, rabbit and potato stew, fish, and some greens. I sat between Diane and one of the Trader ladies called Sandy. Mick was sitting on the other side of Diane and talked to her most of the meal. I was surprised that they were so scared of zombies.

It reminded me of some of the people in the Fort who never ventured outside of the fence unless there was a funeral. I looked around at some sad faces and realized that everyone here had lost most of their family and friends to the zombies. They had reason to be scared and zombies were dangerous.

The meal ended and the guy in charge addressed the Traders, "You know we have the guest houses available. Please feel free to use them."

Dave nodded, "Thank you for your offer."

The man looked at him, "I assume you will leave a few with the trailers?"

He must be familiar with Dave's group to know that he would leave a couple of people to guard the trailers. Dave nodded and glanced at us, "Diane, Sandy, would you two please mind the trailers?"

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