Chapter 192: Your Kin Soaring in the Sky

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The people from Xudong Village advanced while dismantling traps. They covered the original nail boards by laying thick ice and snow blocks as a path.
The traps set by Zhang Yi were relatively simple, and once exposed, they became easy to defend against. He made a mental note of this problem and planned to strengthen it next time.There were two routes from outside Yunque Manor to 101: one from the south gate and another from the west gate. Since the people from Xudong Village came from the south, they had gradually gathered on the southern road.Zhang Yi didn't pay much attention to them because these villagers couldn't fathom the extent to which a refuge could be fortified. They probably thought the shelter was also made of reinforced concrete and could be easily breached.Such ignorance would lead them to their own demise.Zhang Yi lifted his head and, through the scope of his sniper rifle, continued to gaze into the distance. What he was truly concerned about wasn't the villagers but the ice and snow elemental being he encountered last time.However, after waiting for half a day, he didn't see any abnormalities in the wind and snow."Is he waiting for me to appear, or did he never come at all?" Zhang Yi furrowed his brow, feeling somewhat surprised.Xujia Town, as the name suggests, had a significant number of people with the surname Xu, and many were from the same lineage. Most of the town's residents had familial relationships. Since these villagers were attacking, it didn't make sense for the elemental being behind them not to use its abilities to help them clear the snow and traps."Did he really not come? Or was he injured by my stray bullets last time?" Zhang Yi thought about it, his brows relaxing, and a cold smile appeared on his lips."Heh, it's best if he's dead!"At this moment, hundreds of villagers from Xudong Village were slowly advancing on the southern road, facing the shelter directly.As they removed traps, their pace quickened. After getting closer, they could clearly see the luxury inside the villa.In the past, Yunque Manor was only for top-tier tycoons and influential figures. Even the cheapest unit was priced at over a hundred million! Every house was decorated with top-tier furnishings, even down to the curtains on the windows made of high-quality silk.Not to mention that at this moment, there were two curvaceous and beautiful women standing by the window, gazing at them."Hoo—"A young man's breathing became heavy, and his footsteps quickened. Yang Mi, looking out of the window, saw the dense crowd approaching and nervously retreated a few steps.But beside her, Zhou Ke'er remained calm, sighing softly. "How many people will die this time?"Yang Mi hugged her ample chest with both hands, her face turning pale. "What is Zhang Yi... What is he doing? Will these people break in?"If these men broke in, she couldn't imagine how she would be treated. Despite everything, Zhang Yi had treated her relatively gently and hadn't forced her to do anything. These villagers, on the other hand, gave her the feeling of true post-apocalyptic refugees. The gaze filled with greed, lust, cruelty, and excitement was chilling.Watching the terrified Yang Mi, Zhou Ke'er smiled triumphantly. She lifted her delicate chin, revealing her swan-like, slender, and fair neck."Are you scared with just this?" Zhou Ke'er taunted. "With this level of courage, how can you follow Zhang Yi in the future?"She had spent a month with Zhang Yi in the Yue Lu Residential Area, experiencing numerous intrigues, betrayals, and witnessing the mountains of corpses and seas of blood that he created.Everything happening now was just a small scene. She knew that Zhang Yi must have planned how these people would die. Following an extremely cautious man like him in the apocalypse truly provided a sense of security.Even standing at the window and watching so many people slowly approaching, she didn't feel the slightest fear.On the second floor, Zhang Yi, hidden in the shadows, was like an old hunter, waiting for his prey to enter his trap.The crowd approached the villa within fifty meters. Zhang Yi confirmed the density of the crowd and decisively activated the villa's noise reduction function.For a moment, it seemed as if all external sounds had disappeared, and even the sound of the wind couldn't be heard.Then, he pressed the electronic button in his hand without hesitation.A tremendous roar erupted in the middle of the road outside the villa!Even with the noise reduction function enabled, the explosion was still audible. Zhang Yi squinted his eyes, and upon closer inspection, he realized it wasn't fireworks but the shattered bodies wrapped in clothing.Even though the villa's windows were specially made, detonating high-yield landmines at such close range would still be dazzling.Zhang Yi couldn't hear the screams outside, but he could clearly see the scene. The road in the community, along with the front garden, was about ten meters wide. However, this explosion created a hole four or five meters deep in the ground!Even the cement floor beneath the snow layer was flipped over!The explosion occurred right in the middle of the Xudong Village team, splitting dozens of people apart. The shockwave also sent others flying. These people landed in the snow, surrounded by many traps they hadn't cleared.Nail boards and animal traps, primitive as they were, caused significant harm to the people of Xudong Village at this moment.Zhang Yi watched as they widened their eyes, pain evident on their faces as they clutched their feet or covered their faces.Some had nail boards deeply embedded, acting as makeshift masks, with screws and bolts piercing deeply into their flesh. Others were caught in animal traps, struggling desperately and having their feet torn off!The sight was too unbearable for Zhang Yi. He shook his head and sighed helplessly."If only there were more of these landmines. This way, we could blow them all up, saving them from suffering."Outside the villa, screams filled the air, sounding as mournful as crows in a graveyard.Upon witnessing this scene, Zhou Ke'er and Yang Mi couldn't help but step back several steps. Even though they were separated by glass, they saw some people accidentally stumbling forward, their faces twisted in agony, begging for help."Save me, save me!"A villager with only half of his body left struggled to crawl over, his eyes fixed on Yang Mi, pleading for help.As for his lower body, it was a gruesome sight.Yang Mi's body hair stood on end, and a sudden surge rose in her throat. She bent over and vomited violently.Even Zhou Ke'er, who was accustomed to grand scenes, had a slightly pale complexion, turning her head to the side.Only Zhang Yi, seeing this scene, remained unmoved.After all, he had experienced too much life and death.As the saying goes, life and death are indifferent; if you don't agree, just fight. What else is there to fear?

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