Chapter 148: Deceptive Surrender Plan

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After reading through Xu Hao's chat records, Zhang Yi didn't feel much inside. He had already speculated on most of the content. He didn't believe he possessed such great charisma to make Xu Hao, a scheming opportunist, follow him wholeheartedly. Xu Hao, acting in his best interest between Zhang Yi and Wang Siming, was a rational choice.

Xu Hao anxiously kneeled in front of Zhang Yi, explaining his actions, "Zhang Ge, you've already injected me. Why would I harm you? If something happens to you, I won't survive either."

"True, I spoke ill of you before, but I never took any actions to harm you! Now, I'm completely on your side!"

Zhang Yi remained silent, contemplating with his hand on his chin. Along with Xu Hao and Wang Siming's chat records, he gathered other crucial information.

Firstly, Xu Hao leaked information to Wang Siming about Zhang Yi's weaponry, only mentioning the possession of handguns. Xu Hao didn't disclose Zhang Yi's display of formidable strength later on.

It seemed that from that moment, Xu Hao had already contemplated betraying Wang Siming and aligning with Zhang Yi. Therefore, Wang Siming remained unaware of the substantial military equipment Zhang Yi possessed, such as assault rifles, sniper rifles, grenades, and more.

Secondly, Wang Siming focused on the large quantity of supplies and snowmobiles in Zhang Yi's possession. Xu Hao's statements portrayed Zhang Yi's safe house as a warehouse stacked with supplies that could last one or two years, intriguing Wang Siming.

From their conversation, it was apparent that Wang Siming was tempted. This suggested that the shelter he owned likely lacked sufficient supplies. After all, the shelter had been built a decade ago, and even if it had initially stored a significant amount of food, Wang Siming might have disposed of it later.

After a brief brainstorm, Zhang Yi formed some basic ideas. He tossed his phone onto the table and said casually, "So, tell me more about the specific situation of that shelter!"

"Especially details about weapons and defensive facilities. Spare no details!"

Seeing this, Xu Hao heaved a sigh of relief. Zhang Yi's previous attitude had almost scared him out of his wits. Without hiding anything, he disclosed all the information he knew about the shelter.

"After the shelter was built, Wang Siming invited a large group of people from his circle to visit."

"He's a very high-profile person, wanting the whole world to admire him. So, he treated that shelter as a beloved high-end toy and gave everyone a detailed tour."

"I remember the interior being divided into five floors, two above ground, resembling an ordinary villa. Below ground, there were three levels with facilities like a sports field, water bed rooms, entertainment rooms for having fun with girls, as well as warehouses and control rooms. That's about it."

Zhang Yi calmly said, "Now, talk specifically about the defensive facilities."

Recalling, Xu Hao slowly explained, "The shelter was designed to withstand H attacks and reportedly used materials from a spaceship. Unless an H bomb directly targeted it, there's almost no way to break through the defenses frontally."

"But I speculate that if a large-scale force with heavy firepower were to attack, there's a certain possibility of breaking through the shell in a prolonged siege."

"As for defense equipment, you know, the domestic control on firearms and ammunition is extremely strict."

"Although Wang Siming has the capability to acquire them, considering his identity and status, it's not worth the risk for a mere toy."

"So, there are no heavy weapons inside the shelter. I remember he had collected two Desert Eagles, which were the most powerful firearms he owned."

"But there are tear gas and hypnotic gas spray devices inside, and at the entrance of the passage, there's a high-temperature flame thrower."

Xu Hao mentioned this cautiously, looking at Zhang Yi, "This is the most dangerous part. When Wang Siming demonstrated it for us before, he threw in a chicken, and it was cooked in just one second!"

"It's said that the moment it activates, the passage turns into a giant oven, with the temperature reaching 1800 degrees Celsius instantly."

"Don't even talk about people; even steel would melt."

As Xu Hao spoke, Zhang Yi listened very attentively, not missing a single word. After hearing it all, he began sketching the approximate shape of that shelter in his mind.

While Zhang Yi contemplated, Xu Hao didn't dare to say a word, kneeling obediently and waiting for Zhang Yi to speak.

After a moment of thought, Zhang Yi took out pen and paper from beneath the coffee table and began to jot down some notes and drawings.

Firstly, the primary consideration was his own safety. Even if Wang Siming's shelter was excellent and tempting, if the danger exceeded 3%, Zhang Yi would temporarily abandon the plan. After all, he currently resided in a safe house with no immediate risks and acceptable living conditions.

However, if the risk was below 3%, Zhang Yi was willing to give it a try. The fact that he possessed a significant amount of supplies and snowmobiles had surely attracted attention around the neighborhood, and the news would have spread. Staying here would inevitably lead to trouble sooner or later.

Moreover, who could resist a world-class shelter worth a billion US dollars?

"Wang Siming's target is my snowmobile and the supplies in my possession. If he can't get them, killing me is useless, as I have no grudge with him."

Zhang Yi knocked on his notebook and muttered to himself, "So when I go there, I'll stash away the snowmobile. The worst-case scenario is that I get caught, but he won't kill me. Because, for him, my life is not important."

After finishing his soliloquy, Zhang Yi looked at Xu Hao.

Xu Hao couldn't help but shudder.

Zhang Yi smiled. "The biggest threat from that shelter actually comes from the traps at the entrance."

"Tackling the hypnotic and tear gas is easy; I have police-grade gas masks. And as for the high-temperature flame, since he wants to keep me for questioning, he won't use it."

After mentally repeating his plan a few times, Zhang Yi felt that his thought process had no loopholes. He nodded and said to Xu Hao, "So, your plan is to pretend to cooperate with Wang Siming and deceive me into going there."

"Then, Wang Siming won't kill me but will attack me with hypnotic and tear gas. And then, he'll capture me."

"When he opens the door, we'll work together to eliminate him. Is that what you mean?"

Xu Hao nodded quickly. "Exactly, that's what I mean!"

"After we go there, you pretend to be captured. I'll take the opportunity to give him a fatal blow and kill him!"

A trace of satisfaction flashed in Xu Hao's eyes.

Suddenly, Zhang Yi thought that Xu Hao didn't know about his gas mask. In Xu Hao's assumption, the plan involved using Zhang Yi as bait and then entering the shelter to personally kill Wang Siming. This tactic was often employed by the heroes in the classic Chinese novel "Water Margin," called the "deceptive surrender plan."

A slight smirk formed on Zhang Yi's lips. It was probably better not to let Xu Hao know about the gas mask. It's wise to be cautious, and in this matter, ignorance is bliss.

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