Chapter 48: No Medicine, Only Waiting for Death

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Fang Yuqing, Wang Min, Sun Zhichao, and the others fled back like a group of defeated dogs. After returning to the house and closing the door, they were drenched in cold sweat, gasping heavily.

Especially the wounded, who were in pain and lying on the sofa. Zhang Yiru's arrows hit Sun Zhichao, Zhou Peng, and Ge Jialiang. After all, they were the main attackers and were closest to Zhang Yiru's house door. On the other hand, Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining had witnessed Zhang Yiru's methods before and deliberately stood farther away, avoiding the arrows.

This resulted in four out of the seven people who went over either dead or hit by the tetanus arrows. Due to the extreme cold, they didn't feel much pain at first. However, once they returned home, enduring the extremely low temperature, they had to grit their teeth and undo their clothes. When they saw the wounds, their faces turned pale.

"If it were ordinary arrows, we could pull them out, disinfect with alcohol, and take some antibiotics. But these arrows are rusty!"

Without antibiotics, once infected, in the current environment, there was only waiting for death, and it would be an extremely miserable death!

"No, no! How can this happen!"

Sun Zhichao's pupils contracted, realizing what this meant. The fear of death instantly enveloped him.


A crisp sound came as Wang Min angrily slapped Fang Yuqing. The injured were all her close friends, and all of this happened because Fang Yuqing instigated them to rob Zhang Yiru's house. Could she not be angry?

"You wench, it's all because of you!"

"Why did you say his house only had a strong door? Why were there arrows? Did you already know, so you ran so far away? Why are you all fine?"

Wang Min was not petite, much taller than Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining. This slap scared Fang Yuqing, who covered her face, feeling wronged and shedding tears.

"I don't know either! The last two times we went over, he didn't use crossbow arrows against us."

Zhou Peng, with an arrow in his arm, saw his beloved woman being slapped by his cousin. He hurriedly struggled to walk over and stood in front of Fang Yuqing.

"Cousin, don't be like this. I can testify that Yuqing really didn't know!"

Seeing her cousin acting foolishly, Wang Min felt even more resentful. She pointed at Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining.

"Why are they fine? Huh, I just saw it; they stood far away!"

Lin Caining, feeling unhappy, muttered softly, "You didn't get injured either! How can you blame us!"

Wang Min scolded angrily, "That's just luck. I wasn't hit. Now, all of us are in this situation because of you two. Get out!"

Sun Zhichao stopped Wang Min and gave her a meaningful look. "We are all injured now; someone has to take care of us."

He whispered.

He didn't want to die yet. Now he had to pull the arrows out, pray not to get infected, and then he could survive.

Wang Min's chest heaved violently. Sun Zhichao and others were her close friends, and Zhou Peng was her cousin. In the apocalypse, people already felt very insecure. If she lost so many relatives and friends in one day, it would definitely make her collapse.

"That Zhang Yiru is so ruthless! He must have done it on purpose. How can he be so cruel? Even if we took his house, we wouldn't take his life!"

Wang Min cursed in grief.

"Zhang Yiru?"

Hearing this name, Zhou Ke'er remembered something. She and Zhang Yiru had crossed paths a few times, vaguely recalling him as a sunny and handsome man. However, due to Zhou Ke'er's reserved personality, she didn't interact with him much.

"In any case, without medication, just pulling out the arrows still poses a great risk to life. I hope you all understand."

Zhou Ke'er said calmly. By now, she no longer avoided anything. In the apocalypse, everyone should be prepared to die at any moment.

Suddenly, Fang Yuqing seemed to think of something. Excitedly, she said, "Medicine? I remember Zhang Yiru has some at home!"

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