Chapter 59 Smash Hard, Haven't Eaten?

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Separated by just a layer of window, the people outside, braving the biting snowstorm, were desperately smashing the glass with twisted expressions. On the other side, Zhang Yi lay leisurely on a recliner, enjoying delicious food. This stark contrast drove the neighbors outside almost crazy with jealousy.

They cursed vehemently, voices hoarse, eyes bloodshot. "Zhang Yi, just wait for me; I'll kill you soon!" "Once I break this glass, you're done for, you selfish scum!" "You don't have much time left to be arrogant; today is your death sentence!" "So much delicious food, and hot coffee, it's all mine, all mine!!!" ...

Zhang Yi raised his coffee cup in response to them. "Come on, keep going!"

Soon, the group outside began to tire. After all, this was the 24th floor, and the strong wind, coupled with the heavy snow, caused their body temperatures to plummet rapidly. They had to work for just over ten minutes before changing shifts.

However, half an hour passed, and the glass only had some small scratches. Their hearts became increasingly desperate. But watching Zhang Yi live so comfortably behind the transparent glass, jealousy prevented them from giving up.

After half an hour, they were still struggling. Zhang Yi saw some of Chen Zhenghao's subordinates among the crowd. Obviously, Chen Zhenghao couldn't stand idly by at a time like this. Zhang Yi felt it was about time.

So, he sat up from the recliner and walked to the coffee table, picking up a bottle. Frost covered the glass outside, and the neighbors initially didn't know what Zhang Yi was holding, thinking it was a beverage. But in the next moment, they saw Zhang Yi take out a lighter and ignite something.

Soon, a gap appeared above them, and a fiery projectile was thrown out. As a countermeasure, Zhang Yi's house had shooting holes both front and back, and not just one.

The bottle traced a yellow arc in the air and landed on the ground amidst astonished gazes. "Snap!" A crisp sound, and then a roaring flame ignited! This was a homemade Molotov cocktail. Even in extremely low temperatures, gasoline could still burn vigorously and release heat.

Gasoline splattered everywhere from the bottle, igniting a fierce blaze instantly. The balcony's space was limited, and the down jackets and cotton pants on these dozen people caught the gasoline, causing flames to engulf them!

Zhang Yi wore a sardonic smile and continued to light the next Molotov cocktail, tossing it outside. "Ah!!! Fire, fire!!!" A dozen people crowded together on the balcony, and since it was a separated design, jumping to the next balcony wasn't that easy.

These people couldn't escape, and their bodies were being corroded by the flames. Zhang Yi saw them turning into burning, writhing fireballs. Some tried to roll on the ground, using snow to extinguish the flames, but the effect was weak. Gasoline could still burn even when it encountered water.

Some attempted to climb to the next balcony, but in their haste, they slipped and fell from the 24th floor! With a long, agonizing scream, it was followed by a "Boom!" The height of the 24th floor, coupled with the snow below, might cushion the impact, but according to the principles of physics, even if not dead, bones would break, and internal organs would rupture. It was as good as dead.

Zhang Yi chuckled, "At least falling to death is better than being burned to death!"

"Bang!" A grotesque face suddenly pressed against the glass, the expression twisted and horrifying, glaring fiercely at Zhang Yi.

"Save me, save me!" In extreme pain, he sent out a desperate plea for help to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi raised his coffee cup in acknowledgment, "Save you? Go die, you waste!"

The man uttered sounds of despair, completely consumed by the flames. On the neighboring balcony, there were still sixty or seventy people waiting to take their shift. Seeing this hellish scene, their faces turned pale with fright.

"Help, save me!" "I don't want to die, please!" People burning with flames attempted to crawl over for help, grabbing onto the railing with their hands.

At this moment, a man here didn't hesitate at all. He ruthlessly kicked the man's hand with force.

"Get lost, quickly! You're beyond saving in this state; don't come and drag us down!" He kicked harder, even breaking the man's fingers!

The man struggled for a while before looking at them in despair, slowly falling in front of the railing.

The smell of roasting meat pervaded the air. Not long after, all these people died. Some initially had only minor burns but wanted to escape, only to be stopped by the neighbors next door. They were afraid the flames would reach them, choosing to let these people die.

Others, in too much pain from burning, jumped off the 24th floor. The body's fat also served as excellent fuel, and the raging fire surprisingly brought them a bit of long-lost warmth.

So, everyone slowly moved forward, extending their hands to warm themselves by the fire, revealing a faint smile of fear of being noticed.

After burning for more than twenty minutes, the flames finally stopped. The neighbors looked at the charred bodies on the ground, and fear crept into their hearts.

To deal with Zhang Yi, they had lost three to four dozen people! With no chance to break through the doors from various angles, what could they do to snatch the supplies from Zhang Yi's hands?

"Sniff, sniff." A young man who hadn't eaten for two days sniffed his nose. Suddenly, he found the smell of the burning fat very fragrant, reminiscent of the buffet-style barbecue he used to love.

Thinking about this, he couldn't help but look at the charred bodies on the ground. Involuntarily, he swallowed his saliva.

The sound of people swallowing saliva echoed in the air.

The young man looked at everyone in astonishment. On their emaciated and numb faces, he saw more than one person revealing a desire to eat.

However, due to the large number of people on the scene, their remaining shreds of moral bottom line prevented them from acting. But if there were no one else here, they probably would have really started eating.

Suddenly, a woman burst into tears. "I can't take it anymore!"

Everyone had been busy all day, thinking they could easily break into Zhang Yi's house. But the final result left them in despair!

So, she ran to the front, climbed onto Zhang Yi's balcony. Zhang Yi thought that the next batch of people was coming to break the glass again, but she suddenly knelt down with a "plop!" in front of the glass.

"Zhang Yi, I'm starving to death. Please, save me! Even if you give me just a piece of bread, it'll do!"

Not only her, but more people ran over one after another, kowtowing to Zhang Yi, crying and pleading for him to give them a mouthful of food.

The scene was truly heart-wrenching, and tears fell from those who witnessed it. Kowtowing was mostly done by women, trying to win Zhang Yi's sympathy.

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