Video Leak

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Questioning began with the police. Dave and Lily were called in while Chris got a few days off to mourn for her daughter. She took one of urns' home while one was taken to the Columbarium.

Since the floor we worked on was sealed off, the people from our floor moved to another one that was fortunately still unoccupied.

The office atmosphere was pretty grim

And Harou's words kept weighing on my head.

'The killer is someone very near you.'

I gulped


How near?

Did he mean to say that it might be someone from the office? I stopped working for a moment and then glanced around.

Everyone was quietly doing their work

Could it be anyone from here? Really? The morbid atmosphere continued and I looked from one person to another, closely looking at their expressions and trying to study them when a sudden vibration scared the shit out of me and I flinched violently.


My phone dinged, indicating a message and I let out a sigh after realizing that.


I turned around and got my phone out of my pants pocket and immediately opened it.

It was from Lily, the secretary

'The Boss usually takes his coffee around this time, since I'm not here, you'll have to make him some.'

I stared at the message with a long look of confusion. Why is she suddenly asking me that? Why should I make his coffee for him?

'Why me?' I texted back and thought that since Lily was most likely at the police station at this time she might not answer fast.

But contrary to my expectations, I got an immediate reply.

'Because you're the intern.' It was a fast and blatant reply which made me roll my eyes.

I frowned and stood up from my seat to go to the kitchen to make some stupid coffee. When I went in and grabbed a cup, I got another message from Lily.

This time it was a detailed recipe description on how to make the coffee and I shook my head at it in disappointment.

But, I still followed through nonetheless.


I knocked on the door twice

"Come in,"

Then I entered the room with Matthew's coffee in my hands. He was standing near the bookshelf grabbing some documents and reading them through. His sleeves were folded up and I won't lie, he looked hot as hell standing there in all seriousness doing his job.

"I brought your coffee."

I guess he wasn't expecting me there, because when he heard my voice his ears perked up and he turned his head around immediately to look at me.

"Clio?" He raised his brow at me and I shrugged.

"Lily is at the station and she told me to get your coffee," I showed him the cup and walked towards him.

"Ah," He nodded and took the cup from me, "Thank you," He lifted the plate and turned around to put the plate and coffee cup on his desk while I noticed something was wrong.

My eyes caught a small detail—the mismatched button in his waistcoat. It was a subtle imperfection in an otherwise impeccable ensemble. Without a second thought, I moved closer to him without any warning.

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