Consolation Party

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"Why did you go to meet Matthew?" Xia-Lin asked me the question as soon as I entered the lounge

"I wanted to confirm something," I replied and walked to the couches.

"What?" Xia-Lin followed and we both sat down across from each other.

"It was bothering me that he wasn't looking for that woman as actively as I thought he would." I rested my face in the palm of my hand and rested my elbow on the armrest.

"And that means?" Xia-Lin folded her arms as he continued to stare at me.

"It only means he's found her." I looked at my sister, "And considering how calm he looked, I get a feeling she's within his grasp."



I guess this is a habit of mine to reach places exactly on time or ahead of time because when I reached the usual restaurant, I was the first one there. But since we had a reservation, I just went ahead and sat down on our table after taking my raincoat off.

It sure is raining a lot today.

I looked out the window, the streets were filled with water and I wondered if everyone else would make it here fine. I rested my chin in my hand and sighed.

We're having such a late dinner too.

I glanced at my phone, it was exactly 9 p.m. But thankfully I didn't have to wait a lot, Chris came a few minutes after me and then the people from the office started coming one after the other and most of them had their umbrellas with them.

Chris came and sat down beside me, seemingly nervous.

"Are you okay?" I had a hunch it had something to do with Rameen.

"Yeah," She answered, "Rameen still hasn't come home yet." She sighed and I knew I was right but didn't say that out loud.

"Don't worry," I patted her shoulder, "She's a good kid. I met her today and told her to go home," She looked at me in surprise, "She'll be home soon."

"You met her today?"

I nodded, "Yeah, but don't worry, I told her to go home first." I nodded again, "I'm sure she'll be home when you go back."

She smiled at me, "Yeah,"

"Let's order!" Imani said and Bizy called the waiter. We ordered the food and a round of drinks as the rain outside got harder.

"It looks like a storm," I said and I don't know if it was because I had already cried a bunch about the whole thing with Nolan, but at the moment, I was feeling a lot better.

"Peon was supposed to come," Bizy folded his arms, "I wonder where that boy vanished off to," He shook his head as he folded his arms in disappointment, "It's raining so hard, I hope he went home if he isn't going to show up here."

"Peon was coming?" Lizzo asked, "I haven't seen that brat in a while." He chuckled.

"That's why he said he'd come," Bizy sighed, "He said he'd like to meet you all but," He shook his head and looked away in disappointment

We all started talking amongst ourselves and I could tell everyone was making sure to give me the most attention. And to be honest, I found it all very sweet.

In the middle of it all, the restaurant door opened, ringing the bell on the top corner of the doorframe, and most of us looked to see who it was but right then lightning struck so brightly it made the electricity flicker, the lights dimmed, followed by thunderous rumbling that shook everyone up.

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