Get well soon

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My cheeks flushed red and I couldn't look back up at my boss.

I was too embarrassed!

"Sorry," I heard him say, "I didn't mean to laugh," There was still a hint of snickering in his voice and he cleared his throat to remove that as well.

"Then," I pouted, "Why did you laugh?" I brought my head up a little.

"It was," He shook his head lightly, "Because you just looked too adorable."


I looked at his face in confusion while his words processed in my mind. Me? Adorable??

"Here," He moved the spoon closer to me while I felt weird. There was something bubbling inside my chest. Something warm. I looked at the spoon, still feeling shy. My cheeks were a soft color of pink and so was my nose.

As Matthew held the food in front of me, I was torn between my hunger and the powerful shyness that just wouldn't leave.

His patience was unwavering though, and he waited for my cue, his expression calm and collected. Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to meet his gaze and then finally reached out to accept the spoon.

As I took the first hesitant bite, his eyes never left mine. The warmth of his gaze was intensifying my self-consciousness and it made me eat slower than usual. After I was done, he took another spoonful and gave it to me, this time I took it without waiting.

We weren't looking directly at each other but every now and then we would steal glances at each other. It almost felt like we were secretly flirting. As I slowly chewed my food, the thought made my heart flutter and I felt shy.

What am I thinking? I shouldn't be thinking like this.

I noticed that the sky had gotten darker now, the sun was setting.

I wondered about Nolan, he came to me in the morning, right? Or did the fever make me hallucinate? No, I'm pretty sure he came... I told him I was sick, so he came to check on me.

"Here," Matthew placed the bowl away and presented me with a glass of water and pills, "You'll be better in the morning with this."

I chewed the last bit that was in my mouth as I stared at his hands, then I looked up at him, "Sir," There was no one who was going to interrupt us here.


I took the water and pills from him, "Why did you come here?" I balled my fist to keep the pills there and stared back at him, "No matter how much I think about it, it doesn't make any sense." His dark black eyes were somehow less frightening today, "Why would a boss be at an intern's apartment?"

"Ah," He wasn't startled by my question. He probably saw it coming, "It was Rameen's idea." He said calmly, "She found out you were sick and got worried that you might have no one to take care of you."

"Oh?" I tilted my head at him, "But-"

"Take that, first" He pointed at my fist,

"Oh, Okay," I took the pills and drowned them into my stomach, then looked at him again, "I get that Rameen wanted to come, but," I slowed down, "Why...?"

"Why am I here?" He chuckled softly, it was barely audible, "She forced me to come here. I," He paused, "Can't seem to say no to her at times." He avoided my gaze when he said that last bit.

Oh... That answer was acceptable. It made sense. Rameen looks like a jolly and social person even though she and her mom seem to fight at times but all kids are like that with their parents.

He took the water glass from me and placed it on the side table, "Lie down," He said and I did that without a word. He placed the freshly washed towel on my head, the coolness spread from my forehead down and it made me feel better.

I stared at him as he did his work and wondered.


I get that Rameen forced him to come here but why is he being so gentle and caring towards me?? It's still odd that a boss agreed to come and tend to an intern.

I wanted to ask, but the words got stuck in my throat and I watched him finish and back away, "I'll be leaving now."

"Okay," I replied softly, "Thank you for coming," My words of gratitude put a smile on his face.

A soft smile and it almost felt like he was genuinely happy but he didn't say anything in return, just a, "Get well soon Clio," And then he turned around and walked out while I felt cozy and somehow relaxed.

He locked the door behind him as he left and I found myself falling asleep.

But right before I could, my phone rang. It was on my bed with me so I picked it up.

"Clio?" It was a familiar voice, "Have you seen or talked with Nolan?"

"Cherelle?" I asked, "Nolan?" I paused, "No... Not really, Why?"

"I'm calling because Nolan isn't picking up."

"He's not?" I asked, "Well, I don't know, he's not with me." I answered.

"Of course he wouldn't be with you." She scoffed, "I'm calling to see if you met him today. He went to City A because he had a meeting there today."

My heart sank

"Oh... He had a meeting here..." So he didn't come to meet me because I was sick but because there was a meeting??


I couldn't help but smile at the pain.

It makes sense if I think about it. How else would he have gotten here so fast otherwise?

"I saw him in the morning," I told her, "But he was here for like five minutes and then left."

"Ah, shit," She seemed frantic.

"Is something wrong?"

"No," She replied, "It's fine." And then she cut off the call.

I sighed and put the phone to the side as well. My heart, which felt all nice and warm a few minutes ago, was overcome by some sort of dark and cold feeling.

I felt a little betrayed... But not wanting to agonize myself over it, I let sleep overtake me.



I rubbed my forehead as I walked away from Clio's apartment.

"A wig," I frowned at the memory, "A disguise..." A smirk spread across my face and I scoffed.

How stupid of me. Why didn't it cross my mind before?

I asked Clio if he had a relative because of his scent. A thought had crossed my mind that he might have a twin he wasn't aware of. I sure was throwing the stone far with this one.

I couldn't help but chuckle. Is the moon goddess punishing me because I willingly left the pack?!

It was pretty simple, of course only one person could smell like my mate.

I stopped on the footpath and looked back at the apartment. I wanted to deny it because Clio's a male and the woman at the party looked so different from him. I wanted to deny it even when I got that wig in my hand.

But I saw his whole disguise in his bathroom today. I stood with that dress in my hands for quite a while as a range of emotions went through me. I brought Rameen with me to get my facts straight and she agreed easily.

Clio being sick was the perfect excuse.

But I have to say, he's got a knack for cross-dressing.

But to come to work in my company as an intern. Then spy on my party and at a club I own too and even leak the files and documents from my place.

I let out a soft yet determined exhale.

Looks like my mate wants to put me in trouble.

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