Is my name.
I try to love everyone and everything...but if you're annoying, mean, or just plain stupid, I may have to smack you.
Friends and family = best things in the entire world. Never ever let them go.
I'm a drama queen...not gonna lie. I used to cause a lot of problems, but then I realized that being a big brat isn't going to help anyone.
Yay! Maturity . ^
If I could have one wish...It would be that magic was real. The world seems so....boring.
Speaking of boring, I live in Kansas. We don't have any beaches...any attractions...just a really nasty lake called Cheney.
Bleck. ^
I love writing, but with my attention span, I'm lucky if I get five chapters done on one book before I get bored and start another...
I may not be the best at writing, but constructive criticism please!! Yelling makes me sad. :(
Unless it's happy yelling...then it's okay! :)
Being a teenager makes me more than a tad bit bipolar...you were warned. -_-
I also love:
Being a book worm (People that say you're a nerd should go eat a walrus.)
Messing around (Being immature is fun :) )
Tennis !!!!!!!!!! (Oooh! Yellow ball!)
SHOPPING!!! (Except the whole 'spending money' part. Why can't we all just get free stuff?)
Drawing!!! (Although my horses kind of resemble deformed dogs)
Playing video games!! (Now you can call me a nerd..)
And lots of other stuff......
I love god....but I kind of dislike religion. You believe in what ever you want to, because judging people is BAD!
I try very hard NOT to use the word 'hate' although sometimes I say it. Doesn't make it any less horrible though!
Republicans vs. Democrats .. I honestly don't care just get me a good flipping president!!
Whelp, now I'm a tad bit off track (And yes I said 'whelp' I like that word.)
(Um that was kinda creepy...)
BYE!!!!! :D
  • Nunyobuisnesscreeper
  • JoinedJuly 29, 2011

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Ivy_Pheonix Ivy_Pheonix Dec 07, 2012 03:17AM
First time getting on in a looooonnnggg time! It's about time I started writing again ... ALOT of stuff has changed and I'm ready to continue/start plenty of new books!
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