Hey Guys!

I'm Sammi, and I love writing (even if I'm not good at it)

My interest's include
- Ballet
- Gymanstics
- and my favorite HARRY POTTER, (Yes I am a massive Potterhead!)

I am a very Happy and Bright person and I have been told I am a very good listener so if you ever need to talk to anyone about anything, I'm here!!! No, really I don't mind I will answer any questions or help you through any situation...

Ummm.. I think that's all but there is one bit of advise a very wise person told me once: 'Don't forget to express yourself with anything you write!!!'

You can contact me here or;
Instagram: samwells2309
Tumblr: http://youwillalwaysmattertosomebody.tumblr.com/

So yeah...
  • Gold Coast
  • JoinedMay 28, 2013

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